Part 1

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Part One:

Mine is not the conventional love story

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Mine is not the conventional love story. It's not even the perfect love story nor is it the most memorable love story one would ever read. It did not play out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on a ship called the Titanic and I doubt that anyone would want to scribe it down on paper for generations to come and read like Romeo & Juliet. But mines is the most amazing love story that I have read to date albeit only on the imaginary lines within my mind. And after all these years, I find myself still summoning the pages, wanting to escape to the memories from that time; memories of those makeshift and tear stained pages within my mind, memories of those moments as they play out on a projector before my eyes. I sit staring into nothingness,staring into space, becoming nostalgic for days gone by, becoming homesick for days that I could only retrieve through stored memory folders in my mind for I would never get to touch or to feel those images ever again.

My vision becomes clouded over and misty as tears pool within my eyes. A smile curves on my aged face as I remember.... As I remember the color of his eyes and the way that they would penetrate my soul like the tips of spears that had been dipped in the sweet poison of love. It was like a hundred arrows were launched in my direction when he would look at me and each arrow went straight to my heart....

Let me backtrack as I allow you to make your way into the front seat. Allow me paint for you the pictures, allow me roll out for you the scenes, one by one, and allow me to make the emotions of my not so unique love story enter your being as if this story were your very own... Perhaps for some it may just be fragments of your own love story written before your very eyes....

I saw Aslaan for the first time when I was just five years old. He had recently moved into the house across the street from mine. I was riding my bicycle in the front yard on a Sunday afternoon when I noticed the skinny, lanky boy standing on the opposite side of the street just staring at me awkwardly. His jeans were torn and filthy! His hair was greasy and unkempt. He was creepy! He smiled widely revealing his mouth of rotting teeth as he waved a little too enthusiastically at me. The sight of him gave me a chill! I turned my face away in distaste as I reminded myself that boys were slimy rascals who were also grotesque, annoying, appalling and nothing but trouble!

But as the days, weeks, months and eventually years took their customary course, we became best friends, bike buddies, study mates and eventually we fell in love.

Ours was a secret love just as most love stories were in those days....

How we fell in love and when it happened, I wonder till this day. It was as if one moment everything was normal as I showed him how to do quadratic equations on a Wednesday afternoon and then suddenly every time that I was around him something would happen deep down in the pit of my tummy. It was like a pulsing or a hum. An electric current would wrap around my flesh and bones every time that we were together sending my face into different hues of pinks and reds.

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