Strangers In Paris

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India’s POV

Gentle snow begins to fall gracefully from the sky, coating the Paris landscape in a cold, white blanket. I walk along the pathway, my black leather jacket and black skinny jeans my only protection from the cold morning Paris air. Despite the fact that it’s snowing, there is only a slight cool breeze about and is nothing compared to just how cold it can get. The sun struggles to break free from its cloudy confines but manages to release a few rays now and then, creating light for the early birds such as myself. I continue my walk, watching as my warm breath condenses in front of me, creating smoke with every exhale. My hair flies back in the cool wind, making me shiver slightly and stuff my hands in my pockets as I turn the corner onto a little street lined with bakeries and small family-owned stores. It’s not far from the centre of the majestic city but far enough so it is not overcrowded; a small suburb that goes unnoticed by the countless tourists that search only for the main attractions, completely missing out on the real beauty of Paris. Everyone knows one another here and they welcome all those who visit with open arms. I walk along until my destination comes into sight, near the end of the street. A little patisserie filled with beautiful sweets and cakes and warm beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate. Once there, I push open the door and hear the jingle of the bell that announces my arrival and step in, immediately greeted with warm, sweet-smelling air that envelops me in a relaxing hug.

“Bonjour India” I hear the kind voice of the shop-keeper call out.

I came to France for a visit as it was part of my families and I’s European travels but I soon fell in love with the beautiful scenery and friendly people. I stumbled across this shop whilst looking for a place to escape the blizzard that had begun to form. The shop-keeper saw my shaking from searching frantically and pulled me inside, sitting me down and offering me a cup of hot chocolate to warm me up. I thanked her endless times until she insisted that it was no bother and that she couldn’t let me freeze my butt off. I giggled and thanked her again before gladly accepting the hot chocolate. I have only been here for a few months and every morning I come to this patisserie as it is quiet and has given me somewhere to run from the frantic world and just enjoy a little serenity.

“Bonjour madam” I reply, giving a smile and small wave before closing the door and stepping inside. My French is still a little rusty, but I’m learning as I go along. Thankfully, the shop keeper knows some English so we are able to communicate.

“How are you today?” she asks, her French accent thick and heavy, brown eyes alive and sparkling as she smiles wide.

“I’m well thank you! How are you?” I reply, smile matching her own.

“I am good! Would you like the usual?”

“Yes please. Thank you!” I nod.

“It is fine chérie” She replies and I smile at the French word for ‘honey’, having learnt from one of my first few visits here.

I thank her once again before heading over to sit in my usual seat by the window. I take my leather jacket off as it is quite warm in the store, revealing my Radiohead t-shirt. I glance around the shop to notice that I’m the only one here. I smile and I pull my iPhone 5 out of my back pocket off my jeans, plug in my headphones and choose a random game, effectively blocking out my surroundings and allowing myself to bask in the peace. 

Harry’s POV:

Dear god it’s cold I think to myself as I rush down the street in search of a café or something that can shelter me from the immense chill. What began as a gentle snowfall has become a small blizzard as I rush to find warmth, my caramel coat useless against the freezing temperatures and fast winds. I tuck my hands under my armpits, trying to warm them up as I have almost lost feeling in them. I shiver and let out a shaky breathe, my head snapping from side to side, eyes frantically looking for somewhere to reside in until the storm passes. My gaze settles on a small shop that is lit up and looks cosy and comfortable. I rush over and open the door, the bell alerting those inside that I was coming in. I’m suddenly engulfed in a hot gust of air that fills my entire being with warmth, a relieved and grateful sigh leaving my lips. I bend down and shake the snow from my hair before straightening up and bringing my fringe to the side.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2013 ⏰

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