The moonlight hit my deep black armor, shining brilliantly. The hints of read glowed brightly in the night. My eyes pierced the environment, mysterious scales skewering around me. A loud thud emerged from behind me, the collapsed body of an infected Deviljho. I sink my hunters knife deep into the skin of the beast, pulling out what the guild permitted. My Stygian Zinogre armor was soaked in a purple blood, while I watched the black aroma seep from the body, disappearing in the night.
I awoke from a deep sleep, emerging from my cart, kindly provided by the Caravan I started my adventure with. But, that was long ago. I found Rome sitting down, eating some Well-Done Steak provided by her Palico, Pepper. Pepper was the cook of the group, culinary arts was his peak. I found some more steak waiting by my armor. I looked at the gold gleam emerging from it. 7 Seregios' to make it. My Stygian Zinogre armor was for more... Urgent matters. I dug into the steak like there was no tomorrow, my "investigation" from last night made me more the less hungry.
"Hey there Mr.Unknown," Rome snickered. No one knows my real name, no one that's alive at least. I'm commonly referred to as Sty, or Stygian for more professional matters. I lost my name the night I lost everything else.
Jaren was eating a steak next to his trunk, crafting bullets by the minute for his heavy bow gun. If he didn't have his nose stuck in comic books, it was stuck in gunpowder. There was always a pile of garbage when he was around. Doesn't matter how long he's been making ammo, he always manages to screw up one way or the other.
L was out gathering Honey. Yes, his name is 'L,' his parents weren't exactly creative. Honey is always a shortage when you're a hunter. Especially when you're at the stage our group is. His charge blade was always with him. It doesn't matter if it's simple Jaggi or a Gypceros, he constantly has to "feed his blade."
L returns with more honey than he could even carry. Rome and Jaren rush over to help him. I search through my own agenda of quests, my connection with the Caravaneer's guildmarm was still solid after a good 3 years. "Infected Seregios." I quickly attempted to slip the paper into my pocket, but Rome snatched it out of my hand."What are you hiding here..?" She inspected the paper.
"Why were you trying to hide this?" She had an angry tone in her voice.
"This is dangerous. It's not worth a risk." I say, keeping a stern tone in my voice. She jabs me with her Hunter Horn, landing me on the ground.
"You have no right deciding what we can and cannot do!" I shoved her horn out of the way, entering my cart. I climbed into my Seregios armor, grabbing my trusty Le Traqueur, letting my Kinsect nuzzle into my arm. I assisted my Palico, Pebbles, into his armor. He wore his trusty Sonic armor to match my Seregios armor. I've been acquainted with Pebbles since my village, he has a scar sunk deep into his eye. His ears have never been pointed straight up. Why? I can't say.
I emerged from my cart. Rome was in her Zinogre armor, which matched her elegantly. L rocked his Kecha Wacha armor, and Jaren in his Nerscylla armor. My concern is very much shown here. L and Jaren's palicos, Peanut Butter and Eren, helped Pepper prepare our meals. I strictly said to eat for defense, but I eat for attack, since we have restricted time to slay the beast. With our palicos at our side, we dig into our hardy meal. Our group, affectionately named "Warmongers," marched out to deal with the behemoth. I made sure to have Pebbles bring my Stygian armor, just in case things got hairy. He was always the scout, so smuggling the armor would be easy. Our group marched towards the Ancestral Steppes, prepared for the fight of their careers.
We arrive in base camp. Everyone looting the blue gear box, I grab my fair share, which amounted to nothing, and looked to the skies. I saw Pebbles, scampering across the mountain tops. A ferocious cry is heard far off. A few leaps later, pebbles holds up a '3,' signaling the beast was in area 3."Make sure you're geared up, this is gonna be a tough one!" Jaren said, mimicking my voice. Rome and L let out a giggle. I was already many paces ahead. I burst into area 3, with my blade drawn.
"Jaren, now!" I holler out, pointing at the Seregios. A loud BANG rings out, with a pink splat landing on the creature's golden impalers. I draw my blade, sending out my Kinsect and launching to the air. I land a solid blow to the wing, causing the creature to wince. My kinsect returns with a white aura. I send my kinsect out once more, following a pole jump up. My second blow lands on the creatures back, causing it to fall over. I take the opportunity to hop onto its back. I jam my hunters knife into its back, gripping on as tight as possible. I hear the beautiful melodies of Rome's horn, as she gives us boosts.
"Stamina! Stamina boost! Attack and defense! Attack and defense boost..!" She screams out, informing us of our new boosts. I ram my blade into the Seregios' skin one more time as it collapsed.
"Now!" I scream out, digging my blade into the creatures sides. My kinsect returns, with an orange aura. I listen to gunshots and slicing around me as I run to the creatures head. I send out my kinsect, grabbing a red aura. A power fluctuates within me. I launch to the tail, whaling on it with as much speed and accuracy as possible, which wasn't hard with my Kinsect's abilities. After various slices, the tip of the tail flings off. The Seregios curls into a ball, laying silently. I see its eyes turn a sudden red.
"Everyone, get back now!" I scream, sprinting away. Jaren and L follow close behind, weapons away. I look back, seeing Rome still hacking and slashing at the beast.
"Rome get away!"
"No! This is our opportunity to-" she was cut off by the Seregios flinging upwards. Rome launched into the sky, with the beasts horn piercing her leg. Rome landed on the edge of a small drop. L and Jaren looked in awe at the Seregios, which was cloaked in a black and purple aura. The creatures eyes glowed a deep red, sticking out from the now blackened environment.
"Rome!" I scream out, as the beast changes its focus to her body. I rush in her direction, hoping I get there in time...
Through the Never
AcakA four manned Insect Glaive, Hunter Horn, Charge Blade and Heavy Bow Gun squad face up against the fiercest of monsters. Taking down all foes, from the Great Jaggi to the Akantor, these hunters are merely unstoppable. A new monster appears, pushing...