Voldemort has updated his status to: I'm reedang a reeely goat book!

Harry: Wow

Hermione: OML!!!! I'm breathing heavily!

Ron: Wow, you're making my wife have a heart attack

Hermione: So.....many......spelling....errors!

Ron: I don't understand half of his update

Voldemort: Stahp! I wilz repoot yoy!

Ron: what tf does that bloody mean?!?

Hermione Granger has logged off

Ron: She said she's going to give you grammar and spelling lessons, she wants to know where you live

Voldemort: i lives oon 00330 I-will-suck-your-blood-unicorn Street

Ron: Hermione said she might send the ambulance, she's picking up the phone

Harry: I already called

Ron: ok

Voldemort: Staop beeing rood orz I wiz siriusly repoot yoy!!

Ron: Do you by any chance know your ABCs?

Voldemort: Mie wat?

Harry: oh lord

Fleur: dude, I even know more English than you, and you're American. I'm not

Luna: Even the nargles in my backyard know more English

Neville: that's just sad

Voldemort: yooz huurts me feeellengs /(

Harry: you can't even type a simple sad face *sigh*

Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Fleur Delacour, and Ronald Weasley have logged off

Voldemort: I guezz is jus u and mey Loona

Luna Lovegood has logged off

Draco: lol

Voldemort: wilz yoy b mye frend Daaco

Draco Malfoy has logged off

Voldemort: y u do dis tu mey?

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