Can Lucy summon spirits like Jack Frost and the Guardians?

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OK, I know what you guys are thinking:

You guys: Who's Lucy? and what do you mean by summon???

Well I'm glad you asked! If you haven't heard of this already, the Lucy I'm referring to is the one from the anime Fairy Tail. It's about different kinds of wizards going on adventures and making bonds of friendship, which grow stronger on every mission they go on. (I know that sounds sappy, but it's a really good show; you guys should check it out.) Lucy is one of those wizards and like every wizard in Fairy Tail, her magic is unique. She's what's called a Celestial Wizard and the basis of her powers is that she can summon spirits from a place called the Celestial Spirit World by dramatically waving around a key and saying the name of the spirit she wants. (Very original, don't you think?) She can use these spirits to fight, but has a very deep, emotional bond with every one of them.

You guys: That's tots awesome to know, but what does Jack Frost have to do with some random anime chick?


You guys: (o__0) OK???

Thank you.

As I was saying, Lucy can summon any spirit she has a key for using her magic force and these spirits can come from their world on their own by using their own magic. Simple. But what got me thinking is that Jack, the Guardians, and even Pitch are spirits as well, so assuming that they were to exist in the Fairy Tail universe, would they be able to roam freely as they do in their movie or would they have to be summoned by a celestial wizard and live in the celestial spirit world like all the others?

You guys: Whoa, I've never thought of that before. Now you have my attention.

Well it's about goddamn time! But back to the question: Would Jack Frost and the other Guardians live in the Celestial Spirit World? Well...I'm not entirely sure; here's why:

Yes, these guys are spirits and can only be seen by children who believe in them, but we know that the Man in the Moon turned each of them into these spirits and before that they were all human beings. NONE of the spirits in the celestial spirits world were human; they've always been spirits. But I'm basing this off of if Jack and the others were to come into the Fairy Tail universe, not if they originated in it. Did I just lose you guys?

You guys: Yeah, a little bit.

Sorry; I'll do my best to explain it. So what if the Jack Frost we knew from the movie RotG didn't originate, or was first introduced, in RotG but the first time we saw him was in Fairy Tail? 

You guys: OOOOH OK. That makes more sense.

Good. If he and the others were to be introduced in Fairy Tail, rather than in RotG, I'm 96% sure that they wouldn't have started off human, wouldn't have been made into spirits by M.I.M., and would be able to be seen by EVERYONE, not just kids who believed in them. And they wouldn't have the responsibility to do any of the things they do now, like bringing Christmas, Easter, collecting baby teeth, or giving good dreams. They would be limited to fighting villains that their key barer needed their help to fight and that's pretty much it. In Fairy Tail, there's no magic moon to turn people into spirits; you're either created that way or not. Still, a RotG and Fairy Tail crossover would something to behold; I can only imagine what it would be like. (^---^)

So just to recap, if Jack Frost and the Guardians were to exist in Fairy Tail, the most logical way for them to be there would be if they were all celestial spirits living in the celestial spirit world. They would each have a special key to be given to a Celestial Wizard so they can be used to help whoever owns their keys and could occasionally would use their own magic to cross from their world. (Which would probably belong to Lucy since she's one of the best Celestial Wizards ever!)

So what do you guys think? Hopefully you guys have at least heard of Fairy Tail so you understand most of what I'm saying, but if not, then I command you to watch Fairy Tail this instant! You're really missing out if you haven't. Vote if you agree or comment if you have your own opinion that you would like to share. I'm always looking for new theories on my favorite fandoms, so please don't be shy. I'm friendly...ish, sort of. XD not even close. See you guys later! 

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