Chapter Two.

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Harry tilted his head as he watched Zayn, biting his lower lip as he eyed the raven haired boy up and down. He was definitely something different. He was strange. Usually the people that came into the mental institution would never shut up. They'd either talk too much, cry, or even be screaming. But mute? It intrigued Harry in all honestly. He reached up and gently poked Zayn's shoulder, smirking when he flinched. He knew Zayn wouldn't do anything, he was surely scared of Harry. 

"Why won't you talk to me pretty boy?" He questioned, continuously poking the other boys shoulder. Zayn shook his head and kept his eyes focused on the quilt that lied underneath him. "I asked you a question." Harry growled  and poked Zayn harder making a small gasp release from him. Harry watched as Zayn's Adam apple bobbed, signalling his hard swallow. Harry smirked and poked him again. "Why won't you talk to me?" He asked again. Zayn shook his head again and bit his lower lip nervously, swallowing hard again to keep his cool. He gently dug his nails into his jean covered knees. Harry saw Zayn's actions and rolled his eyes, standing to his feet. "Pathetic." Harry scoffed and turned on his heels, slowly  walking back over to his bed, lying down on his stomach. He hoped that he had aggravated Zayn even the slightest, just to get him to say something! He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes on the much thinner boy. He sighed angrily and sat up. "Say something damn it!" He shouted, his loud actions caused Zayn to jump, his head instantly turning, locking eyes with Harry. Harry's head tilted slightly as he watched Zayn's chest rising and falling at a rapid pace. "You're-" He started and frowned slightly but was almost immediately replaced with a smirk. "Panic freak eh?" He asked, knwoing exactly how to push Zayn's buttons now. He stood to his feet and smiled innocently as he walked towards the other boy and sat beside him. Zayn's breathing had slowed down but it was still faster than an average pace. He shook his head quickly which made Harry laugh quietly and roll his eyes. "Dude, we're going to be in this room for a long, long time. You may as well tell me the truth." He said lowly, his eyes narrowing onto Zayn's. "Do you have a panic dissorder?" He questioned. Zayn thought over it slowly and quickly shook his head. His actions aggravated Harry. He huffed angrily and stood to his feet, his hand grabbing onto Zayn's bicep tightly, pulling him up roughly. Zayn's breath hitched in his throat as Harry roughly pulled him up and pushed back against a wall. His dominating height towering over Zayn. "Answer my damn question. Don't lie." He growled, his fingers tightly wrapping around Zayn's muscles. Zayn shook his head, his lips parting as a small whimper escaped when Harry tightened his grip. "Tell me!" He practically screamed in his face. Zayn's eyes fell shut, squeezing together as his chest began rising and falling insanely fast.  His hands soon found Harry's chest, pushing him away roughly but failing. Harry's nails pressed through Zayn's jumper and began digging into his arms. His mind began scrambling, his heart pounding and sounding as if it were in his ears. In a flash which seemed like hadn't even happened, his eyes opened when he noticed Harry's grip was gone. He looked up and saw Harry holding his nose tightly, blood seeping through his fingers. Zayn gave a small gasp and watched Harry. His eyes stared in shock. Had he done that? He couldn't have? He didn't remember! It couldn't of been Zayn! "You fucking punched me!" Harry's voice screamed, booming off each individual wall. Zayn instantly covered his ears and flinched back as he saw Harry's dark eyes glare down at him. "You fucking little-" Before Zayn could even hear the end of Harry's sentence he pushed passed the taller boy, running into the bathroom and slamming the door shut. He went to lock it but noticed no lock. Why the bloody hell was there no lock?! He gasped quietly when he saw the handle turn. He instantly sat down in front of the wooden door and pushed all of his body weight up against the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2013 ⏰

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