Until Next Time

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Where the hell is she? Peter thinks to himself as he sits on one of the hard, cold chairs in the airport. He had been waiting there for hours, too nervous to just sit at home and twiddle his thumbs while he awaited her plane arrival. He nervously bounces his leg up and down, staring at the tiled floor. Her plane landed thirty minutes ago, shouldn't she be out here already? His palms begin to sweat, realizing that he will be seeing her any second now. His heart begins to pound as he grasps the bouquet of lavender colored asters he bought for her, wrapped in a shiny violet paper. I really hope she likes these, I know she enjoys flowers. As he slides his hands over the paper wrapping, smoothing it, his mind races with what ifs. What if she doesn't like me in person? What if she realizes she made a mistake? What if she never even got on the plane? What if...

He sees someone has walked in front of him, noting their black combat boots. He notices a small scuff on the toe of the right shoe, like the pair she showed him. He remembers her messaging him, complaining about the scuff and not being able to get it off. No...he thinks. It must just be a coincidence. It can't be her. Too nervous to look up, he tries to act like the person isn't there.

"Well, are you going to keep staring blankly at my shoes or stand up and give me a freaking hug already Peter?"

He freezes. It IS her, he thinks as she is standing in front of him. Peter slowly looks up, his nerves jumping like hurdlers, until he meets her eyes. At that moment, time stops. His heartbeat slows, palms dry, and all he can think about is this beauty standing in front of him. Her auburn brown hair curled and half pinned back with just a few soft tendrils framing her face. He has the urge to reach out and tuck one behind her ear, but he is too awed to move. Taking in her beautiful hazel eyes, he remembers the first day they met. Those eyes are what first attracted him to her, the captivating look in them. Her face is done with makeup to perfection, even though she knows he hates her with makeup. She must have done that on the plane, it was an eight-hour flight...

"Heelloooo, Earth to Peter," she says while snapping her fingers. He realizes he has been staring at her, not saying anything. She seems nervous, maybe she thinks I'm going to leave now that I saw her. He suddenly springs up, forgetting about the flowers and dropping them, and wraps his arms around her waist. He picks her up and swings her around in circles, hugging her tightly to him as he hears her sweet giggle. God, I love that sound.

"Peter Stavers I swear to God if you do not put me down this instant I will throw up all over you," she laughs while he spins her. He sets her down, smiling from ear to ear as she tries to steady herself. "Were you trying to make me extremely dizzy? Because if so, you have succeeded my dear."

"I'm so glad you made it. I was beginning to worry..." He trails off, not wanting to tell her his thoughts. I was afraid you never boarded.

"I sure hope you didn't think I would just up and not fly here. I mean, come on. It's a trip to the United States of America, and I get to hang out with some pretty awesome people. I just ran into some trouble with my luggage, and it took a little longer than expected. Besides," she smiles, suppressing a giggle, "you are waiting in the wrong terminal."

Peter flushes, and looks at the ground. He notices the flowers on the ground, accidentally thrown there in the heat of the moment. He picks them up and hands them to her. "I bought these for you, I hope you like them."

"Oh Peter, they are beautiful! I don't recognize this type of flower though..." She seems confused, almost childlike. Peter smiles, my Nicole, always seeming so child-like yet so mature at the same time.

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