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'I don't think it's working anymore.'
'Yes, I am done with this relationship. Things are not the same as they were 5 years ago. You have changed, so have I. You can no more understand me. You just want a loving boyfriend who is totally inclined to your happiness and feelings. How can you be so selfish?'
' Arjun, calm down. First of all, stop talking rudely with me. '
I was too angry to say anything. I just kept quiet.
' What do you want from me? Don't I have even the liberty of being honest to you and share my opinions and thoughts? '
I maintained my silence.
' I just don't want that it gets too late for us to marry each other. And, moreover, my parents will start looking for a groom for me. I don't want you to miss that chance. '
' So what do you want me to do? Drop my plans for MS only because I have to marry you on time? Or because I will have to plan my career as per your and your parents' convenience? '
' No! I don't know.... '
' Amazing! Now you don't know. Best escape answer, isn't it? '
' Look Arjun, I'm not against your plans, I'm just worried about our future. '
' Exactly! Even I'm thinking of our future, that's why I want to pursue my masters. '
' Can't you work here in India for atleast a year or two? After that you can go abroad... '
' What's the problem in going now? '
' Arjun, I don't want to stay away from you anymore. It has already been 5 years. '
She tried hard to be emotionally convincing, but that day, I screwed up everything.
' Listen Aradhana, you already know that I have made some firm plans after a lot of thinking and consulting. Now I'm not going to change it. So please, if you want to be on my side, it's fine. Otherwise, just leave me and lead your life henceforth. I don't want you to get in my way, so stop this here itself. And, you know what, instead of all this bullshit if you too think of your career, it'll be much better for us.'
There was a brief silence. It absolutely seemed that she was completely broken. She sighed. It was clear that she had given up already.
'So, what now?' she asked in a very defensive tone.
' I am breaking up with you. '

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