Harry's Birthday Edition

150 14 20

Padma: Happy Birthday

Ginny: Happy Birthday <3

Lavender: Happy B-day (tell Won Won I said hi)

Draco: I hate you

Luna: The nargles and I say Happy Birthday, Harry James Potter

Hermione: Happy Birthday Harry *long speech about their friendship*

Snape: Do your homework


George: Happy Birthday! I'm feeling Holey! Get it? I have a hole where my ear is supposed to be, Har Har Har

Fred: Damn George, back at it again with the bad jokes

Neville: you're birthday present from me was killing Nagini, happy birthday

Ron: Happy Deathday, Harry!

Ginny: Wait, what?

Ron: Harry died, he was coming home when a muggle contraption ran him over!

Ron updated his status to: It's Harry's Deathday, not birthday! He died yesterday

Ginny: Well I guess i move on to Dean or Seamus now

Ron: Wow, you already have a new boyfriend?

Ginny: I have backup boyfriends, and who says I just started dating them? #damnitfeelsgoodtobeagangster

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