The beginning of a legend

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto (anime or manga).







Naruto stood there in the shadow as he watched his parents, Kushina and Minato, train his younger sister, Mito, and taught everything they knew to Mito, Naruto couldn't help but be jealous at the fact that his younger sister got to be trained by their parents, he hated the act that he didn't get to train.

Naruto didn't understand his parent's reasonings but whenever he asked them if they could train him or teach about jutsus, they always just say 'I'm busy', 'Maybe later' or 'Not until you're old enough. Naruto cntinued to watch in envy as his younger sister was being trained and taught by their parents, and the reason why he was jealous about his sister being trained by their parents was because their parents were two of the most strongest ninjas in their village.

After watching for a while, Naruto left for his bedroom, he sat down on his bed and thought about his life. Ever since he could remember he was always looked down at by other people, they always looked at him as if he had done something wrong or not even look at him, and just plain ignore him. He never understood why everyone looked at him like, he didn't know why but he saw that look in almost everyone.

Naruto never knew why but he was always cast away by everyone, kids and adults alike, he would always get bullied by the other kids and just treat him like an outcast while the adults would look at him with the look of anger, as if he was a monster, or look at him with that look of superiority, as if he could do anything, he was only four years old, so that meant he couldn't do much even if he wanted to.

Naruto just sighed before he decided to read some books until his mother called him for dinner, he laid down on the bed and read some books about his clan, the Uzumaki and the Namikaze clan, he couldn't wait until he was old enough to become a ninja, so that one day he could become the head of both clan since Naruto still was the clan heir.

Naruto was now 6 years old, he knew that the clan heir would be taught from the age of 6 in order to increase the chance of them surviving in the shinobi world, he had waited and waited and waited but they didn't come get him to start teaching him or training, no when he found his parents, he asked them if they could train, they just replied that they were going to train Mito because she was the heir to the Namikaze and Uzumaki clan.

When Naruto heard what they about Mito being the heir, he just left the room and went into his bedroom making sure to lock the door, he couldn't believe his eyes, when his parents said because Mito was the heir to both clans because she was more qualified, they basically just told him to his face that he didn't have much skill, talent or potential, and that Mito had those in spades compared to him.

He looked through the window, down at his sister and watched as their godfather, Jiraiya, taught Mito how to summon toad summons, he even taught her a jutsu, Naruto looked down at his sister and his godfather with rage, he couldn't let his sister pass, if Mito got a summon then so would Naruto, so Naruto watched the hand-signs that Jiraiya demonstrated to use the summoning jutsu, Naruto copied him and then slammed his hand down.

Naruto looked to see if he could find a summon, Naruto didn't see anything and before he could rant about it, he was teleported to somewhere else, he fell on his butt as he feel from the air, he got up and looked to see that he was in somekind of a jungle or so, he walked around to see if he could find anything.

Naruto walked around and stopped when he saw something, he saw a temple and on top of it was a room, in it was what looked like an alter, he didn't know what that alter was for but he looked around and found instructions to what he was supposed to do, if this could help him get a powerful summoning then that would be great, Naruto looked through the instructions and understood what to do.

Naruto laid down on the alter and made all the hand-signs in order, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram, Monkey, Bird, Dog then Boar, Once Naruto made all the rituals, he followed the instructions and chanted "One of Animosity, One of anger, one of hate, the one that can bring me power and the one that can feel my rage, I call upon the beast, I awaken you from your resting, now come forth.", Naruto looked around, nothing happened.

Naruto was about to get up from the alter and leave, when the whole temple shook violently as the alter that Naruto as laying on was floating, Naruto saw that the ritual was working, so he continued to follow the instructions as he took the knife at the side in a hole, Naruto cut a bit of his hand and placed his hand on top of that hole as his blood was filling the hole.

Once the hole was full, Naruto drop the now bloody knife and threw it at the floor, Naruto chanted again "Come forth and answer my wish.", suddenly the blood in the hole started to defy gravity as it flew up and started to move around, this continued for a couple of minutes before the blood vanished and Naruto wondered in his, what would happen.

"I have awaken from my slumber, now speak what is it that your heart desires?" asked a mysterious, disembodied voice that scared Naruto, it's loud, booming voice brought Naruto to fear.

Naruto went through what his heart wanted, he wasn't able to understand his heart, so he didn't know what his heart wanted the most, "A-ah sir, I don't really know what to wish for." stated Naruto as he spoke in a shy, quiet voice that showed that he was scared.

"If you can't see what your heart desires, then I shall see what it desires." claimed the mysterious, disembodied voice as everything became white, Naruto watched as the white nothingness started to fade as something seemed to appear, Naruto looks at it and saw that it was him as a baby.

Naruto and the disembodied voice watched as Naruto's memories started popping up, the disembodied voice went silent as all of Naruto's memories were shown, the times when mobs of people would chase him and injury him, the times when he was bullied by other people, the times when everyone looked at him as if he was a monster, the times when everyone would look at him with that look of superiority as if he wasn't even worth being the dirt beneath their foot, and so on.

Eventually all the memories were shown, and the disembodied voice spoke, "I see you've been through so much for one so young, and I see that it has affected you in more than one way. You desire a friend that will be by your side, and also fight with you even if it meant certain death." spoke the disembodied voice as it spoke in way that said that he was impressed, which he was as he was impressed by the willpower of the kid.

"I guess I did someone to help me with training and other stuff." said Naruto, after seeing his memories maybe having a friend that would be by his side and never betray would be nice.

"So be it, I should grant your wish." stated the disembodied voice, before a giant flashing light appeared, once the flashing light disappeared, Naruto saw that he was back home, and he was in the same position as he was when he had teleported to that jungle place where the temple with the alter was.

Naruto remembered what the disembodied voice said and he looked around for a friend, he looked around but he didn't find anyone, after a while of looking through his room and finding nothing, he decided to dismiss it as daydream.

Naruto spent the whole day thinking about what he saw and felt when he was in that jungle, he stopped thinking about that and went downstairs to eat his dinner, once he had finished his dinner, he washed his dish and then proceeded to go to his bedroom, Naruto laid on his bed as he quickly fell asleep.

"I see. Naruto, you shall become the greatest ninja in the world, and I'll help you get there."

Author's Note:

Please leave a review, if you liked it. If you didn't like this, then don't read this, just walk away from this fanfic and don't look back.

If you want to write a review about how I suck, or how I have a long way to go if I want to be a author. I got news for you, I know I not the best, and I know I have a long way to go if I want to be an author.

Well, that's all folks.

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