Torn and adopted

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Chapter 1:

I honestly believe I had good parents and that they really did love me and just couldn’t deal with a child at the time, I honestly have no clue what they thought that night that they left me at the adoption center’s door. I spent half of my entire life at the adoption center I was currently 16 had been put in at least 5 adoption houses but each time I could never agree with the family or they just didn’t want someone as old as me, nobody knew my name at the adoption center so I was given the name Clare. I was told the name was a mix of the adoption centers owner’s mom name Clara and one of the first people to adopt me name Claire. Not many kids stayed at the adoption center as long as me I had some older friend of course but they all eventually got adopted no one around really wanted a pale child for the thoughts of getting picked on in the near school districts and the fear of the harassment and the bullying was enough they never really even gave me two glances. I had learned many things at the adoption center, you want something you have to get it yourself by either working somewhere and saving up money for it or stealing it. I had learned the game of stealing around age 7. I generally tried to pay for anything I needed but sometimes jobs got tighter and I got hungrier or in greater need of something. The adoption centers owners were wonderful and had a kid of there own that never really came around anymore. His name was Jesse. He was a year or two older than me, I grew up with him till lately, he had a lot of other things to do and other people to be around I used to have a  big crush on him. He was Italian mixed with Irish so we are both rather pale given that I’m mixed with the same and then some. My first adoption family the Riescos’s were wonderful but they got tight on money and couldn’t afford a kid at the time they tried to make it through but I understood they couldn’t continue to keep me so I told them it was ok just to send me back to the adoption center. The second family was not the best, they were abusive alcoholics Mr. Thomas was beating me at least 3 times a day and I had to go to the hospital many times for a fractured bone or something along those lines. Mrs. Thomas drank all day and watched it all go on and told me him beating me was all my fault for not doing something correctly and after about three broken bones and seven other visits to the hospital a social worker came and I was put back into the center. I had a few others but I just never believed in what they did and one thing I knew was to never let someone change your beliefs because they have different ones. Me and Jesse had many memories of going swimming in the summers cause we were best friends and his parents loved me so they’d occasionally take us to the local pool I really appreciated them and I thanked them as much as possible. We also held hands once when we about 8. Jesse’s parents sent me to a regular school with him and I was getting an average education I did really well and I’m also supposed to graduate next year, Jesse got obsessed with girls and being popular we still gave each other half smiles in the hallway when we glanced and saw each other. He had also got into parties and everything around those. I had his number and since I was in the same grade as him he asked for the homework questions or some notes he missed but that was it to our conversations. I knew a lot of people in our school and I was friends with many of them but I try and keep to myself because I never find anyone so great after a while. I spent most of my free time learning more or listening to music. Music is normally my only escape for how I really feel about my life; normal teenagers hadn’t been adopted again and again, normal teenagers never stole for the things they needed, and none the less normal teenagers lived  with their biological parents. I wondered constantly who my parents were and what their real reason was for leaving me there that afternoon, I’ve made up some many case scenarios it’s ridiculous and many of them probably aren’t the right one. I was a decent looking child, I had strawberry blonde hair, and I was a bit  paler than I am now. I now have raspberry red hair and still the pale skin that I’ve always had. I had glasses that I found that worked at the general store in town and I paid for them. I came back to the center from school and laid my stuff on my bed that was more like a cot. There was a T.v. in the little kitchen where only the older kids got to go, now I had some special treatment but, I was old enough now. I saw on the news that there was a big drug bust at school after hours including some yet unidentified kids, I paid no attention to it minus the part where they were locking them up until they went through rehab and completed it. I grabbed a water out of the fridge. I went into the main office to see Jesse’s parents. I only saw Jamey the secretary, I asked what was going on and she asked me if I saw the big drug bust at school and I nodded my head knowing more than likely what had happened already. She then told me that Jesse was one of the kids busted in it and that his parents were getting him enrolled in the rehab facility at the moment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2013 ⏰

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