You're Not Sorry ~Taylor Swift Fan Fiction~

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You're Not Sorry ~Taylor Swift Fan Fiction~


"Hey, Liv!" I greeted my best friend eagerly. I couldn't wait to eat lunch. I was starving!

To my surprise she didn't acknowledge me, and neither did Sophia nor Chelsea. I didn't think much of it, maybe they were busy thinking about something.

When it came time to sit down at the cafiteria tables, that's when it had became clear.

"Liv, can I sit with-" I began to ask just as Chelsea sat down in the place I was hoping to sit. 

I had decided to shrug that off as well, sitting in between Lydia and Violet. Everyone at our lunch table took turns giving me disgusted looks. 

"What?" I asked, shoving some of the provided turkey breast down my throat. 

"Listen, we don't think it's a good idea if you sit with us anymore. Or talk to us for that matter." Sophia said quietly. 

"What?" I repeated, in a different tone of voice. This time I was completely shocked and utterly offended at the same time. 

"Come on, Taylor. I mean, what kind of name is 'Taylor' anyways? It's a guy's name for sure. Do your parents hate you or something?" Olivia asked snobbily. 

"But-" I started. 

"You kind of have to be pretty, too, you know. I mean, we're the best in the school. We can't be eyesores like you." Sophia said just as snobbily as Olivia. 

I could feel the tears fighting their escape as I rushed out of the cafeteria and into the bathroom, leaving my tray of food and the laughing kids behind me. I didn't care, I needed to get out of there before I started to cry. 

No longer part of the popular crowd, I had just become a nobody. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2013 ⏰

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