~You crossed my path like a shooting star
A rare opportunity
And when the room lit up
My eyes did too
Strangers made into aquaintences,
I learned more about you than anyone could ever see,
But they saw that spark
And it came from only the taste that your lips allowed
We fell
You for I, I for you
Everyone should feel this way
As we did the second
And fourth night
And some infinities last longer than other infinities
And our's was exactly that.
We were infinite.
But your addiction
Was shattering me with guilt
You loved her more than I
You loved to hurt me
Your addiction became a part of you
She filled your head with visions
She filled your blood with sorrow
She became a part of you
I no longer exsisted in your mind,
And we couldn't exsist in your reality
So should I ever cross your path,
I'll make like that shooting star,
And leave a streak in the light with no record or memberance.~