A Chance Meeting

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"Do you need some help?" a curious voice brought Matt Murdock back to his present location. He had been listening to a man passing by that he suspected was a distributor for one of the new drug cartels that had emerged ever since the downfall of Wilson Fisk.

Matt turned in the direction of the voice. Through the red haze which was all that remained of his vision, he could see that the girl who had spoken to him was thin, and just a few inches short of his own six foot height. Her dark hair was pulled back from her face. She was looking slightly concerned.

"I'm sorry?" he asked her.

"Do you need help to cross the road?" she specified.

He now realized what he must look like- a blind man standing at the side of a pavement during rush hour, facing the busy road with a look of concentration on his face.

"Oh! Yes, if you don't mind." he said, giving her an embarrassed smile.

When in doubt, do what most people would expect of you. He had learnt that long ago.

The girl nodded and took his arm, leading him towards the road. As they walked, Matt noticed that the hand holding his arm was long and thin, not unlike the girl herself. Very artistic, he mused.

"You have really cold hands." Matt commented absent-mindedly, then mentally smacked himself on the forehead. Even though it was true- her hands felt cold even through the fabric of his suit- it had been extremely rude of him to point that out.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to apologize, he heard the girl chuckle. "Yeah, I get that a lot." she said. "Besides, it's not my fault that you're so hot." she said, and Matt could feel her eyes widen and her heart beat increase. "That is not what I meant!" the girl said, frantically.

Matt only laughed. "It's not? Now I'm slightly disappointed." he found himself saying. "Shut up." she mumbled, and he could tell from her voice that the girl was trying to fight a smile.

As they walked, Matt noticed that she seemed to favor her left side. Left handed, he thought, analyzing her out of sheer habit. Her head was always turning in different directions taking in everything around her. Alert. Curious. The hand that was not on his arm was firmly holding a cell phone, which she tapped slightly against the side of her thigh. Fidgety. Restless.

By now they had crossed the road and reached the other side. "This is me." Matt said, pointing at the building that held the Nelson and Murdock office. "I'm Matt by the way." he said, holding out his hand.

"Anita." she replied, taking his hand and giving it a small but firm shake.

"Thank you for helping me cross, Anita." Matt said. "And for calling me hot." he added with a boyish grin, unable to help himself. He heard the girl groan. "Don't mention it." she said with a slight pout. "Seriously, don't mention it." 

Matt simply laughed, and just as he was about to turn to head towards the building, he heard a familiar voice.

"Murdock!" his best friend Foggy hollered from the opposite direction.

"Nelson." he acknowledged him with a smile. "Whoa, who's this?" Foggy said, stopping to look at the girl still standing next to him. Matt rolled his eyes behind his glasses. He opened his mouth to explain.

"Hi, I'm Anita." the girl said, beating him to the punch, and holding her hand out to Foggy.

"Foggy Nelson of Nelson and Murdock, and may I just say that you are way out of my friend's league." he said teasingly, as he shook her hand.

"Oh, I know." Anita replied in the same light-hearted tone.

"Hey, let's not forget who called whom hot!" Matt whispered to her playfully.

"Oh shush!"

"So are you a client?" Foggy asked her, and she turned to look at him, confused.

"No. Anita was nice enough to help me cross the road." Matt replied for her. Then he turned to the girl. "Foggy and I are lawyers." he said by way of explanation for why Foggy had mistaken her for a client. Matt pointed at the plaque on the side of the building.

"Nelson and Murdock. Attorneys at Law." she read, her tone sounding thoughtful. "Cool. Well, I have to get going. It was really nice meeting you both." Anita said, touching Matt's arm slightly in farewell before striding off.

"Bye." Matt and Foggy called out simultaneously, as they watched her disappear into the crowded street.


I know this was supposed to be a one shot, but I really like the story line so I'm leaving it up to you guys.

Comment and tell me whether or not I should continue this.

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