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Your POV

''With what?'' He asked
''Let's just say I'm in a sticky situation.'' You said
''We will hurry just be care full.'' He said you couldn't replay because a spider came at you. You tried to hit it but only scratched the surface of its top.
''Oh no.'' You said you tried to fight it off but one snook up behind you and trapped you.

Ezra's POV

We walked off the ghost it was empty sabine ran over to us.
''Where's Rex?'' I asked
'' Those creatures took him. I think they got Deiser too.'' She said
'' Chopper, locate Rex's position!'' Hera said chopper complained.
''He says this way.'' Sabine said running off.
''I'll, uh I'll guard the ship.'' Zeb said
''We need you, Zeb. Chopper, stay here and keep the Ghost ready for take-off.'' Hera said
''More than two legs is just excessive.'' Zeb said as they ran off Kanan turned on his light saber.
''Stay sharp and stick together.'' He said
''They have tough armor. Aim for the eyes.'' Sabine said I nodded.

Zeb's POV

''We need to split up. Ezra, go with Hera.'' Kanan said
''No. Ezra, stay with Kanan. Sabine, Zeb, with me.'' Hera said
''Let's go.'' Kanan said Ezra followed him.
''Shouldn't we have a Jedi on each team?'' I asked
''We've gotta get used to not having them around.'' Hera said
''Oh.'' I replayed

Ezra's POV

We walked or a long time we soon heard a hiss and stopped and in front of us was one of those creatures.
''let me try to connect with it.'' I said
''I don't think so.'' Kanan said
''Trust me, I got this.'' I said I held out my hand it hissed at me and jumped forward
''Hey!'' Kanan yelled he jumped up and killed it.
''Maybe I should teach you more common sense!'' Kanan said
''I had common sense before you started teaching me!'' I said
''We can argue about this later. Come on!'' He said running off.
''You always change the subject when I start winning.'' I yelled running after him.

Hera's POV

As we walked around he stayed closer together.
''I don't like the looks of this.'' Zeb said
Sabine knelt down next to some shells she turned one over and it was empty.
''Those big crawlers must eat them.'' I said
''Even I wouldn't wish that fate on these little bogens.'' Zeb said
''Are those eggs?'' Sabine asked
''I could really use a hand over here.'' Rex called
''Rex!'' I called wr ran over to him
''I met the neighbors. I don't care for 'em.'' He said we helped him out of the cage.
''Kanan! Ezra! We found Rex.'' Sabine said using the caller.
''Good work! We're coming to ya!'' Kanan replayed
''Actually, I think it's time to go.'' She said the creature that held Rex came off the roof.
''This way!'' I said we ran off. It caught up to us fast we started shooting it it died and more came from behind it we ran to find more.
''Aim for the eyes!'' Sabine said handing Rex a blaster.
''Get back, ya stinkin' crawlers!'' Zeb said stabbing one in the eye
''They're boxing us in.'' Sabine said

Your POV

You sat hanging from the ceiling it was dark but your eyes adjusted.
''Ezra were are you?'' You asked using the caller.
''We're busy.'' He said
''Will yea I'm stuck to the ceiling by what looks likes a giant spider!'' You yelled
''What?!'' He yelled
''Yea so how do kill this thing?'' You asked
''Aim for its eyes.'' He said
''Got it.'' You said and put the caller in your pocket you reached for your blaster but its gone then tried to get your light saber and it was gone two.
''Great.'' You said then you saw something silver you held out your hand and your light saber came you turned it on and stabbed the spider in its eye you fell to the floor with a groan you got up and ran off followed by spiders you made it outside to find more spiders.
''Come on!'' You said it hissed at you stabbed it in the eye. It was getting harder for you to see it grew darker you tried to run but your feet were stuck you looked and saw that they had glued you down.
''Really.'' You said you fought as many as you could off. You saw two white light sabers appear.
''Ahsoka!'' You said with happiness.
''Cut your self loss.'' She said you did as she said she landed next to you.
''How did you find me?'' You asked
''Someone told me what area you were in.'' She said pretty soon the both of you were next to the sensor.
''Heads up more coming.'' You said they tried to get close but they wouldn't.
''Why aren't they coming?'' Ahsoka asked
''Maybe its because of the sensor.'' You said
''Hwy you guys are taking all the fun.'' Ezra said from the phantom he was high above us.
''Ezra!'' You called
''Come on we have more sensor's.'' He said they jumped into the phantom and waited Intel they were gone then they quickly set the sensor's all around the base.
''Y/N I need to talk to you.'' Ahsoka said when you were done.
''Yea let's go in here.'' You said you walked into your and Sabine's room.
''You know we are leaving tomorrow.'' She said
''Yea.'' You said
''I want you to stay here.'' Ahsoka said
''Wait why?'' You asked
''I think its best to have you stay here there is a ship meant that is going on tomorrow I want you to go with them in case anything happens.'' She said
''OK I'll stay.'' You said
''Good now get some rest.'' She said then left.
_(skip to this morning).
You found ezra sitting by the sensors one of the spiders walked along it. Ezra held out his hand it hissed at him and he jumped back.
''I wouldn't do that if I were you.'' You said he jumped again and you giggled.
''Oh hey Y/N.'' He said you sat next to him.
''Why can't I connect with it?'' He asked
''Some creatures are different Ezra so a lot of times you can't connect them.'' You said he tried again it hissed at him and you both jumped.
''Whoa! Fine. I guess we won't be friends.'' He said
''Ahsoka?'' You both asked at the same time you looking behind you.
''I see the base is coming along nicely.'' She said
''Yeah. these creatures almost ruined it though.'' Ezra said
''No matter what I do, I can't seem to connect with them.'' He said
''In my experience, just when you think you understand the Force, you find out how little you actually know.'' She said
''Same with my experience.'' You said
''I don't think I ever understood the Force to begin with.'' Ezra said
''We should get going.'' Ahsoka said you both got up and followed her.

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