Chapter 1 ~Moving~

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*Kaths POV*
Another stressing day! Welp! gotta go get ready for school!

*someone knocks at door*

"Ughhh... Who is it?"

The door then opens carefully...

"Oh goodmorning sweetie!" says my mom

"Ummm... Hi mom well whats up?"I said while fixing my bed.

My mom then holds my hand and say "honey sit down please,
We need to talk".

"Ok" I replied

My mom then explains that we will be moving, AGAIN. I felt sad and broken in the inside. Knowing ill have to restart everything, ill have to make new friends and mwet new people.

And I was just so suprised I looked at her as my eyes widened. "Why do we always move and im sick and tired with it!" I shouted in a somewhat angry tone.

My mom then calms me down. "Honey please listen, we are
having a hard situation here, so please understand." My mom says looking at me.

"Alright.. Im sorry. What happened though?" I said tearing up.

"You see your dads, dad is currently sick and he needs money to pay for his hospital check up, and you know we are having  some family problems with your dad's brother and all so you know that your dads company is soon going down so your dad needs a new job. Please understand.." she says looking sad.

"So now what? What will happen to grandpa?" I said sadly.

"We need to move to los angeles, because your dad got a job there."
she continued.

"Well, atleast we can help grandpa and I did always wanna live to los angeles. I guess it'll be fine..". I said trying to crack a smile and lighten up my mood.

"Yes, and it everything will be fine you will have new good friends there! And you will have your own room!"She says.

"Great. I dont have to share a room with gina anymore!" I said happily.

"Well, great then now you better get packing we will be leaving in 1 week!" mom says smiling.

"Thanks mom.. Im glad we worked it out, Im sorry for over reacting.. " I apologized.

"Its alright.. Now, then get ready for school!" She says walking out the door.

~Authors note~
Hey everyone Ill be updating this soon! And im a beginner so still trying to get use to using this! Love you all! ❤ (Sorry its really short and not that intresting!)❤

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