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Introduction/ prologue/ telling you what you need to know thingy

Once upon september 2014 a girl called Grace was shipped off Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to live with her dad. Once upon a year later, a boy named tristan (wasn't shipped) but forced to move from hot Santa Barbra, also to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania when his rich family packed up the family business and moved.

P:S the story is written from two points of view. your welcome. And its my first story so sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes

Chapter - 1 - Travellers (Tristan)

"Tristan take those stupid headphones out and finish packing we're leaving in an hour. Oh and help load the car. You may even gain some muscle strength for start of baseball season. " 

My mum wasn't the kind of person to beat around the bush. She is straight to the point and knows what she wants. Maybe thats why she's actually successful. Or all of her competitors are scared of her. Either way I get the newest consoles and the newest gadgets so I'm quite happy.

Once the car was loaded, my mum gave me a brown bag filled with provisions for the long car journey ahead; and my dad rubbed my head like you would to a dog when it doesn't defecate on your new sofa, but outside where they're supposed to. I wish he would stop. It messes up my hair (not that I particularly care) but thats not the point. The three of us hopped in the car and within 10 minutes I began doing what I hoped I will be for the next five hours. Sleeping.

I was awoken when I heard the raising tones of an argument. We were meant to leave at 12 on the dot but because I refused to get out of the shower we didn't leave until 1:15. Not following the schedule made my mum stressed and now wanted to get to our new home to speak to the landlord in time. My dad however wanted to stop off and use the toilet and grab a bite to eat as he didn't have breakfast.

"Bill, you better not stop this vehicle. we're already over and hour late and the landlord/lady wants to speak to us before we move in". my mum, Jenny, explained with urgency.

" Jenny, if we don't stop we will be speaking to the landlord with a suspicious patch of wetness on my pants." 

Bill's comment earned a chuckle from me which caused both my parent to turn round simultaneously and both say at the same time.

"When did you wake up" they said with puzzled looks on their faces. At this point I was still laughing, and the sound of the car behind us honking signalled that Bill can move on.

After more debating, we pulled into the next gas station where my dad practically Usain Bolted to the toilet whilst i grabbed some powdered donuts and a bottle of tango; in an attempt to avoid the tuna melt sandwiches my mum made me. I made the mistake of trying them the last long car ride we had and lets just say I rolled down the window and the car driving behind us had a nice surprise on their window screen.

After that the car ride was pretty uneventful. A few disagreement of directions that I had to sort out, and the often unscheduled bathroom stop. When we arrived at the house i had no idea what it was like. My parents didn't let me see it as they wanted to kept it a surprise. We pulled up and I immediately noticed that it was that it was bigger then the house we left in Santa Barbra. Also it was a lighter colour, Probably so in the cold winter it would emit less heat. It had a grand entrance and a floating staircase. The living room was naturally lit brighter then my future and you could hear the wind chimes from the garden. Already I felt uncomfortable here. This house felt as though it should be the most expensive room in a hotel. It didn't feel like a house; more a museum display of what a house should look like.Nor did it feel like my home. This 'settling in' process wasn't going to be easy.

"You can't be serious? Pittsburgh? Really?" I demanded with a scared chuckle.

"Yes Pittsburgh you can live with your dad. I've sorted it out and you'll have to share a room with your step sister."

"No your can't make me!" I squealed

"Grace, you know why this is happening, and you knew it was going to happen. Your behaviour is despicable so don't argue and go finish packing." I didn't bother arguing because I knew that after maybe 2 weeks my dad would call saying he didn't want me so far away. It's happened before with my grandma and my auntie. He always calls me missing me and tells me to come home.

I finished putting my delicates in my bag and packed things like my book and my charger and headed out to the car. My little brother Ethan and my twin Travis were waiting for me by the car. They were the only sibling, among seven that I had an actual relationship. I looked down at my remarkably smaller brother and his outstretched arm. In its grasp was his toy giraffe that he sleeps with.

"I want you to have it." He said with a wide smile on his face.

"You won't be able to sleep without Jerry the giraffe."

"I will have to survive won't I" Ethan smiled "Don't forget me. " He said jumping towards me for a hug.

"How could I" I exclaimed wrapping my arms around the little human being.

Next was saying goodbye to my twin. Though we're meant to be twins, Travis was a margin taller then me and my head only came up to his neck area. He took advantage of the extra inches he had on me and used them to his advantage. Hiding sweets and goodies in the highest points in the kitchen. Using his height and strength to win the fights we had as children. We fought and argued but i was definitely going to miss him most. We did everything together as children. We ate, went to school, and even had to sleep in the same room . Thats the disadvantage of having 8 people in one house.

Travis hugged me with one long arm and rubbed his knuckles on my head with the other. "I'm not going to miss  you know. I'm also going to enjoy my own room." 

I laughed knowing he was going to miss me like hell. " I love you too." I shouted as I stepped into the car."Oh and I forgot to mention that Ethan is moving into your room.  He's scared to be in his own room. Byeee." I began laughing as the car sped off. I could hear the cussing coming form Travis as he shouted to dad explaining how Ethan is staying in his own. I'm going to miss them so much, even if I wouldn't admit it to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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