Whistling Treetops

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The trees swung in the wind, and the bushes flowed. Rivers cried, rocks crumbled from runoff. The rain signed war. Although, calm. The drizzle and trees made a symphony of beauty as everything was fine. No sunlight was shone to the forest.

Footsteps were heard, small, calm footsteps. A few days had past from any movement in this forest, as that has now come to an end. More footsteps were heard, slowly pattering on the forest floor. Soon heard, to get louder and louder as something lurchered forward to a new beginning.

A black figure fought through when it lurched, soon stopped it's hassle of movement..

Ears stuck up; cat ears. Those ears went into a single movement and were gone. Then, stuck up again to any little movement near it. Meowing was now heard.. As the story begins from long ago..


Tribal Arena: Tribal Council's Home/Camp

Tribal Council: A Clan Of Cats, capacity of 879 Cats.

Sconfenor: Cat's word for an insult,
Example: "Stop it! You Sconfenor!"

Ancient Galaxy: Cat's word for Heaven

Underpowered Flames: Cat's word for Hell

Resurrection: Cat's word (and also our word) for being brought back to life or such as the final judgement in Egyptian Mythology or Religion

Mythical Life: The Spirit of One Cat.

Choosen Cross: Underpowered Flame's Spirit whom have been chosen to specially designed for Haunting those who have done a great deed of Underpower

Underpower: Cat's word for Bad


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