Chapter 1

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Darkness enveloped the whole of Hyrule.There was something very off abit the new contrast of lighting,something evil.

You were an ordinary girl in thevillage of Ordon, you worked everyday in the small shop that sold allof the necessities, but you wanted more from your life, more thanthe same thing every single day!

Though it was the time that thedarkness covered the village of Ordon, was the time that you realisedyou weren't just and ordinary girl...


"Hello? Anyone? Where have you allgone?!"

All you saw were little green flames...You could hear whispering all around you which made you think thatmaybe these little green flames were the spirits of the people ofOrdon... This must have had something to do with the darkness!..

For the first time in your whole life,you decided to leave Ordon village... You equipped yourself with awooden sword and shield, along with some water and bread, it wasn'tmuch, but you knew it would definitley come in handy!


Hyrule castle... It was really asbeautiful as Colin's Father Rusl said it was... But a yellow,diamonde shape magic cascaded over it, ruining the very beauty of it.

"What's going on?! I don'tunderstand..."

A digging sound was heard from justbehind you until you heard snarling... You looked behind you and werehorrified at what you saw!


There was a skeleton dog that hadarisen from the ground. You drew your wooden sword and slashed at it,causing it to fall to pieces to the ground.

You sighed in relief.

"That wasn't too hard I guess..."

Speaking to soon, a whole heard of theskeletal dogs arose from the ground, circling you.

"Oh Sh-"


What was that?! Someone else was here,laughing at you!

"Pathetic... A wooden impliment suchas the thing you hold will get you nowhere!"

A white haired man with off white skinwalked towards your bewildered frame.

"W-who are you?!"

"Someone that's going to save yourlife."

With that said, the strange man clickedhis fingers and the dogs dissapeared into diamondes. Your mouth fellagape earning a chuckle from the man.

"I suppose you want to know what'shappening?"

You readied yourself into a stanceholdng very firm onto your wooden sword.

"Of course I do! Everyone apart fromme and you have dissapeared!"

"Ahaha! You really think you coulddefeat me with such a, dare I say it, weapon?.."

You frowned as much as your faceallowed at the man.

"Go ahead, try it... I'll make you adeal, if you can get one hit on me with that piece of grabage, I willgladly tell you what's happening."

As soon as he finbished that sentence,you swung your sword at him, he dodged without even looking at you...You swung many times at him but didn't get a single hit on him!Instead he just mocked you.

Yawning, he spoke up.

"I'm getting very tired of this."

He evaporated into thin air and endedup right behind you grabbing your arm and pulling it to your back.Without hesitation he pushed you to the ground.

"Now, you weren't able to keep yourend of the deal, but I'll tell you anyway."

You widened your eyes.

"But first, I must tell you that myMaster is kindly waiting for you in another dimension... He needsyou..."

"W-what could he possibly want withme?.."

He sighed at your response.

"Hasn't it occurred to you that youhaven't been turned into a spirit? You're 'special'..."

He smirked as he said this.

"I don't WANT to come with you!Whatever is going on here, I can tell it's not for the greater good,so let me GO!"

His calm expression turned into a nastyglare.

"Look you little brat! You can eithercome by force or willingly! And let me tell you now, with a poxywooden sword and shield, the latter would be the best option!"

You grit your teeth as you looked up athis cocky face.

"Fine! Where is this other'dimension'?!"

"Good girl, that's what I like tohear."

He stood up, pulling her by her armforcibly.

"What's your name girl?"

"Why should I tell you?!"

"Look... I am being a gentleman aboutthis, I can be a lot meaner!.."

He glared at her.

"(F/N) (S/N)"

"__... A simple name, but it rollsoff the tongue... I am Ghirahim."

The newly named man, Ghirahim waved hishand in a circular motion creating some sort of portal.

"Ok, Now I do hope you have a strongstomach, this is going to be a bumpy ride for your first time... Nopuns intended!"  

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