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Ginny has updated her status to: Lets make a song! Someone start us off.

In Mysterious Ticking Noise beat (that's a video, go watch it)

Ron: Cheese

Harry: Cheese

Neville: Cheesy Cheese

Snape: Cheese

Dumbledore: Cheese

Ginny: Cheesy cheese


*repeats this verse 50 times*

Ginny: this Is boring now

Ron: cheese makes me go boom boom


Ron: it's like a firework display coming from my butt

Hermione: 0_0

Neville Longbottom has logged off

Ginny: you know what else makes you go boom boom?

Ron: DON'T

Ginny: beans

Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Severus Snape, and 1 more have logged off

Ron: great I lost all my friends

Ginny: Har Har Har >:]

Ron: I hate you -_-

Ronald Weasley has logged off

Ginny: I'm too faboo for you anyway 😎

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