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Once upon a time, everything was peaceful for every kind of living creature. Nekos had a peaceful life and got along with everyone in their city called Wall Maria. Everyone there was part neko or travelers that wasn't bothered by it. Until, a certain day that they will never forget...

Eren, Mikasa and Armin were only playing with the other nekos, until the attack began. Many male nekos began to charge against the enemy, including some female nekos, the others worried getting the kids to safety.

Many gunfires, explosions, buildings falling apart and collapsing. Eren and Mikasa ran off towards their mother only to find her stuck and tried to get her out.

"P-please..., l-leave m-me... G-go and s-survive" Said Carla, then she started to cough up blood. "D-don't forge-t w-what y-you are t-to me."
"M-mom... Please... You'll survive this!" Said Eren, while Mikasa who was quiet, but she was crying as well. Both of their ears where laying low because they were actually sad and afraid of what was going on.

Right then, many tanks arrived and coming their way, but it was going to run over the rubble where their mother is, so it haven't seen the kids yet.

"P-please, g-go as m-my l-last wish, for b-both of y-you t-to s-survive." Said Carla as she coughed more blood as she if was stabbed, which she probably was under all that rubble.

That's when someone grabbed both of them and carried them as they watch their mother splitting in half and getting crushed to death. The person took them away and into one of the refugees where their friend Armin was.

'Why did all this happen...? Why did they have to come?' These were thoughts of many that saw death with their own eyes.

'I won't let anyone else dear to me die because of my uselessness! But I can't let my emotions show easily... It will get in my way of my goal.' Thought Eren because he noticed that because of him, he and Mikasa were about to die it if wasn't for the person. 'I need to control my feelings and then I can get things done.'

After a few weeks, they had to keep on moving because the enemy were still looking for each and every single one of them. Eren managed to keep his feelings in check and when no one was looking he trained harder to get his body to adapt most climates as possible. When Mikasa was busy, Eren and Armin would sneak off into training. He started to help Armin because he asked and accepted his request.

More people died in hunt for food because they got found out, diseases caught up to others because of how many rotting corpses there were, others gotten themselves to the edge of insanity and committed suicide.

There was barely any hope until military neighbor villages noticed and took action against the attackers. When they arrived there were barely any neko left and easy to count for, some went with the military, others decided to hide and blend in with the crowd. Those who went with the military slowly died because in other places they don't accept nekos, some died of lose of blood or deceased, others because they didn't get the proper treatment.

Eren, Mikasa and Armin, were never the same ever since that day and decided to grow up so they could have a better life and show them that they aren't bad people. Their father was no where to be found, so they assumed that he wasn't going to help any time soon. They're only twelve years old and their childhood is over, now they have to face the world of adults.

I hate you, Shadow, for making me suffer in rewriting everything knowing I use tablet! -. -

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