Klisses in the Rain (Klaine)

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First: Not all of these will be huge chapters. Some will be small drabbles. But, hey! Klaine is awesome, even if it comes in small dosages.

Title: Stuck

Characters: Blaine, Kurt, Rachel, Santana and Puck

Parings: Klaine, Brittana and if you really squint, Puckleberry. Raine, Hummelberry friendship.

Genre's: Humor, Romance, Friendship and Fanfiction.


"It won't come undone!" Rachel threw her hands up in the air, and stepped back. Blaine spun around, "But Kurt'll be home any minute now, and if he see's me like this," he waved a hand around his outfit, "I'll never hear the end of it!"

Rachel frowned, "Fine. I'll try again. Turn" she said. Blaine spun back around, "Try being gentle with it, maybe that'll work," he suggested. Rachel hummed a reply and began gently tugging the zipper attached to the peachy fabric.

Blaine groaned, "What'll Kurt think? Probably that I'm into all sorts of dirty things! And he'll run!" Rachel sighed and shook her head slightly, "Kurt'd listen to the whole story." she comforted him.

Sighing, the taller man nodded, not noticing Rachel go still from behind him, "I suppose you're right." There was a nervous laugh from behind him, "Yeahhh.." There was a slightly strange hint to Rachel's voice.

"What?!" Blaine, yelled, spun around, and to his horror, saw Rachel holding a small silver zip in her hand. "Whats that? he squeaked. Rachel smiled sheepishly "The zip?" she mumbled. Just as the sound of the front door banging shut echoed around the small apartment.

"Blaine? Rach? Anyone?" Blaine's eyes widened, before he jumped into the shower. Rachel blinked, "Distract him." Blaine hissed. Rachel nodded quickly, and tossed the zip into the sink.

Blaine groaned in frustration, as Rachel disappeared.


"Hello Kurt!"

Kurt jumped at the sound of Rachel's voice. He glanced up at her and smiled slightly, "Rachel." he greeted.

"Blaine's just... changing." Rachel grinned. Kurt's forehead crinkled up at her behaviour. ".....OK." he replied.

"So, how was your day?" Rachel asked, skipping over to him, "Mine was great. Me and Noah took Britt to the vet, because Lord Tubbington had kittens, turns out 'He's' a She, and then we looked over our collage applications and Santana tried to kill Noah when he said hell rejected her, so he's hiding out at Sam and Quinn's apartment an-"

Kurt raised a hand to stop his friend's rambling. "Rach, sweetie, slow down."

Rachel blinked and stopped, her face red.

"Shouldn't Blaine be ready?" Kurt asked, a little curious as to why his best friend was happy, TOO happy, and why his boyfriend was being very quiet.

There was a thump from the bathroom, "I'm almost ready... just, combing my hair!" Blaine's voice called, slightly muffled.

Kurt raised an eyebrow, but nodded all the same, "OK."

There was more thumping, before Rachel's phone started playing 'Pearl'

Flipping her phone open, Rachel's eyes ran over the text, before blinking and reading it again. "Uh- I'll be right back," she said, excusing herself. Kurt nodded, before the tiny brunette flew out the front door.

Kurt shook his head and slumped into his chair.

He's only been gone for four hours and everything had gone crazy. Shaking his head, he sighed and stood up.

"Blaine?" he called. There was a thump, "Are you OK?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry.. or come in..." came the hurried reply.

Kurt frowned and stepped closer to the bathroom. "Blaine, sweetie, is something wrong?"

"Nope." Blaine replied. Kurt was feeling nervous now.

"Can I come in?" he asked, leaning against the bathroom door slightly.

"NO!" Kurt jumped back at Blaine's harshness. "I mean... not right now."

Kurt frowned, "Fine... I'm coming in." he replied, there was a loud bang, before Kurt pushed the door open.

But there was no-one there. Kurt huffed, before noticong the shower curtian was closed all the way. With a sigh, he grabbed the fabric, and pulled it back... standing still in shock when he found his boyfriend dressed in a hot dog suit.

At first, he was confused, then he was a little worried, then... he laughed.

Blaine scowled, "Shut up... Rachel broke the zip and I can't get it off." he mumbled. Kurt carried on laughing. "Oh Blaine.... It's not funny... but... you... look.... so..... cute!"

Kurt managed to say between his giggles. Blaine smiled a little.

There was a pause, before Blaine laughed too. But that was cut off when the front door opened and shut.... then he curled up in the bath.

Kurt's laughther stopped, "What?" he asked.

The sound of footsteps made their way to the bathroom, Rachel's head peeped around the door, "She's here." she hissed.

Kurt raised an eyebrow, before Santana stepped into the bathroom, a sly grin on er face... a pair of sissors in her hand. "I heard you need some help." she grinned, compleatly oblivious to Blaine's pale, terrified face.


Before you ask.. No, Satan did not kill Blaine, she actually did help him. The story behind the suit will be mentioned later on.

A few things, They have all graduated (Even Britt) Quinn and Sam share an apartment, Puck, Britt and Satan all share an apartment, and Kurt, Rachel and Blaine all share one, placed in the middle of the other two

I hope you liked this.. please don't hesitate to be mean [Not too mean though Dx]

Sam Xx

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