A Dream Come True

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I sat in the backseat of Papa's car as we were on our way home. We have been in the game center Studio Video located in Paris to play Yu-Gi-Oh, or more precisely just me. Papa was very kind to drive me to and from Paris since I didn't like traveling alone with trains, I was too young.

I was listening to the songs that played through the radio and hummed along, even though I was tired from long and exhausting Duels with the kids my age. Papa tried to start a conversation with me.

"Alors, comment était-il là aujourd'hui? As-tu gagné? (So how was it there today? Did you win?)" Dad asked.

I shrugged, "OK je suppose. J'ai gagné la plupart de mes Duels. (Ok, I guess. I won most of my Duels.)"

"Sentez-vous fatigué, petite lune? Est-ce que ma petite lune veulent arrêter par votre endroit favori pour obtenir des macarons? (Do you feel tired, little Moon? Does my Little Moon want to stop by your favorite place to get some macarons?)"

"Bien sur que oui. Merci Papa!(Of course I do. Thank you Papa!)"

After that we remained quiet as the radio kept playing songs. I closed my eyes to get some rest while Papa drove on. I kept thinking on two crushes that were fictional from an anime. I couldn't help but smile when I thought of them. I knew deep inside I was too young at 13 years old to have a crushes on characters that didn't exist.

My eyes snapped open when I heard a loud honk from outside and then felt Papa's car lose control.

"Que ce passe-t-il?! Papa? Aidez-moi! (What's happening?! Papa? Help me!)" I panicked.

"Luna, attendez- (Luna, hold on-)"

It didn't take so long until we felt something crash into the car and made it spin around violently. I tried to hold on, but then something crashed onto me and I felt nothing but pain rush through my body. That's when everything turned black with a few drops of blood staining my view...


I heard voices that sounded unknown yet familiar which woke me up from the darkness. When I opened my eyes there was a bright light. I blinked my eyes a few times to get used to the changes.

I groaned and slowly sat up, rubbing my face. I heard two voices gasp in relief when they noticed I was awake.

"You're awake!" a young boy's voice exclaimed happily.

I turned to the left and saw two figures. One was a young girl and the other was a boy the same age as the girl. The girl had green hair tied up in two high ponytails on either side of her head with 2 shoulder-length bangs on both sides of her face and her eyes showed kindness that I could see through her gray-gold eyes. She was wearing a light pink short-sleeved jacket over a long-sleeved red shirt with golden markings. She was also wearing light purple shorts with a red belt and sneakers with black and pink markings and high socks. The boy next to her had green hair tied up into a high ponytail and had the same eyes as the girl. He wore a short-sleeved white jacket over a sleeveless dark blue shirt with golden markings that differ from the girl's shirt. He also wore white shorts with a dark blue belt and blue sneakers of the same color. He also sported a bracelet on each wrist. I almost gasped loudly when I recognized them.

*T-ils ... les jumeaux Leo et Luna de la série Yu-Gi-Oh 5D de! Est-ce que je suis en train de rêver?! (T-They're...the twins Leo and Luna from the show Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's! Am I dreaming?!)*

"Hey, you okay, Kid?" Leo asked.

*Ils sonnent le même que les Anglais surnommé (They sound exactly as the English dubbed...)*

"Where am I...?" I asked carefully, trying not to let my accent take over.

"My brother and I found you unconscious not so far from our home", Luna said. "So we brought you here since it started raining."

"You've been out for like three hours", Leo added.

This was getting even stranger. Was this a dream I fell into after I had lost consciousness when the other car had crashed into my Dad's car? I took a look at myself and noticed I was wearing the same clothes as I had been wearing before.

My outfit consisted of a pink and white plaid top with blue jean shorts and beige knee high boots. In case you wondered about some other details about my appearance, I had pink-violet, almost red eyes, skinny and very fair skin and long blonde hair, curling at the ends reaching to my waist. My three sizes are 74-54-76 and I'm 4'10.

I straightened my body correctly to sit on top of the sofa and spotted my beige pouch next to the couch as well. I quickly reached for it and zipped it open to see all my belongings in there including my Yu-Gi-Oh decks.

"Ehh... Kid? Is everything okay?" Leo asked.

I looked up from my bag and suddenly felt nervous when the twins watched me intensely. How was I going to explain this situation?

"Y-Yes, I think so...", I replied, fidgeting hesitantly.

"Do you remember who you are?" Luna asked.

I nodded though I knew the answer, I asked them the question anyway, "Yes, I do... But who are you two?"

Leo grinned, "I'm Leo, and this is my twin-sister Luna!" He gestured at his sister. "Now, who are you?"

I hesitated for a second, not knowing if I should tell them my real name. "Luna. Luna Kurenai."

"Wow... you have the same name as my sister! What a coinci- whatever!" Leo said.

I looked around in the giant living room. "Where are we?"

"You're at our apartment in the area called the Tops", Luna answered.

"Only the super richest people can live here", Leo bragged.

I put on my boots and stood up properly with my pouch, its strap resting on my right shoulder. I had a feeling it would be better to leave and not be a burden for the twins since I came from another dimension.

"Thank you for looking after me while I have been unconscious, but...I should go", I nodded before walking to the door. "I need to go and find answers."

"Answers? For what?" Leo asked.

"How I ended up here in the first place", I replied.

"You mean you're not from New Domino City, Luna?" Luna asked.

I nodded, "Correct."

"But even if you leave, where will you stay?" Leo asked the biggest question.

He did have a good point. Where could I stay? Since I didn't belong in this world, I had no one to turn to and get help. But maybe... No, it would be too much to ask for.

I felt someone take hold on my hand. I looked down to see Luna had walked up to me and grabbed my right hand. She had gentle eyes as she squeezed the hand a bit.

"If you want... You can stay here with me and Leo", Luna suggested.

My eyes widened by surprise of the offer. Did Luna really trust me, a stranger to add, to stay with her and her brother?

"Are you sure about it?" I asked to be certain. "I mean, you don't know me and what about your parents?"

"I can tell you are a trust-worthy person", Luna replied. "You've got this gentle aura that tells us you're kind."

"And our parents wouldn't mind", Leo added as he walked up to us. "They're never home and we used to have a babysitter a while ago, but she had to quit because she was transferred for her real job."

The twins smiled excitedly and kindly, like they were hoping I would accept the offer. I decided to stay for a while and see if I could get a few clues about how I ended up in a fictional world.

"Okay", I nodded with a small smile. "I'll stay. And thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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