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Its officially been 10 days since Trump has been elected president. He has then sent all Native Americans to Prison like camps by convincing congress that we are enemies of god and will end up destroying. I am among those that were sent to these camps. My camp is located in Upstate New York the Oneidas and Mohawks have been rounded and placed in here. W have picked two people to go assassinate Trump. We were choose through tough tests and 1guys and 1girls were chosen form each tribe . I was among those chosen as well has a close friend of mine named Adsila(meaning Blossom in Iroquoian Language).The girl and guy from Mohawk were Genesee meaning(Beautiful valley in Iroquoian Language) and the guys name was Hinto(Blue in Dakota Language). Don't forget about me my Name is Tadi(Wind in Omaha Language). We will now begin are journey to go assassinate Trump.

(note from author) I will be referring to them by there Native meanings.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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