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I'm thinking.

It's a saturday evening, not more than 3 hours after my graduation. All my friends (boyfriend included) are partying and drinking and I'm thinking. Mom says if I want to go to parties at all this summer, I need to make some money. But I've got no talents what-so-ever and I have never had a job other than babysitting for like an hour so at the moment, I'm thinking.....

This is stupid.
An hour later I had printed out 100 posters to advertise.

Samantha's Nannying Service
Experience with ages newborn - 10 years old
Available all hours mon- Friday.....Friday nights and Saturdays off.
Drivers license
CPR certified
I took threw on some shorts and a tank top and ran downstairs.
"Mom! I'm going out to get a job!" I slammed the door shut before she could protest.
I hung the posters at every ice cream shop, pizza parlor, light post, playground and anywhere else I could think of around town. I met my boyfriend, Tyler and my friend Lucyat the pizza place, got a slice and sat down.
"So any luck? There's another party tomorrow night and I can't show up without my girlfriend again." Tyler said, taking a bite of his meatlovers pizza. 
"More importantly," Lucy chimed in, "I need my girl by my side. These parties are boring without you, Sam."
"I'm working on it. I've gotta get a job. I put up posters to be a nanny."
"Ew. I hate kids." Tyler said, scrunching up his nose. "That's because you're a dick." Lucy said.
"You guys. No fighting. Get along." I said. Lucy has never liked Tyler, she always said he was a dick and a player. But he satisfied my needs. So we finished eating and parted ways. Then, I called it a day.
I went home, took of my shorts, and threw myself on the bed. It was only 6:00 but I fell asleep.

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