Oppss... I Fell Inlove With The Wrong Guy

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It's been 4 years since the last time I saw him.A year without him is like almost a decade.I miss him alot. I miss the scent of him. I miss his voice. I miss everything about him. I waited for him. I waited for him to love me. But what is this? I waited for nothing? Where are you now? Can you please come back for me?










me:" You're having a crush on someone?! OMG! Tell me who!"

I excitedly said. This is the first time Chris shared something about his love life.

Chris:" I wont tell you. You might hate me."

Me:"Why would I hate you? It's not like I am your crush. hahaha"

He blushed. I knew it! He likes me . Just confess.already Chris! I like you too!! But it is a secret. I'm waiting for him to do the first move:p

Chris:"It's not yet the right time to tell you. I promise to tell you when I am ready."

Me:" Just confess already! hahaha Maybe your crush has a crush on you too! You never know."

Chris:" You think so?"

I nodded 3 times. I cant help it men! I am so excited.

Chris:" Then it's settled. Just wish me luck. *sigh* This is the first and last time I gonna do this embarassing thing. "

Don't worry Chris! I wont reject you. I love you to the point that I waited for you to notice me this long. By the way, I'm Aly and that guy is Chris--my eight years bestfriend and still counting. I just realized that I already love him when I was 15. And that was 3 years ago.hehe


Me:" Mom! I'm going to have a walk around the village."

Mom:" Okay sweetie... Just be here before dinner."

Me:" Yes mom"

I hurriedly took my jacket from my room then went outside.

My feet dragged me to this park.It has it's own basketball court.


Ghad!! It's snowing. I was about to run when I noticed a guy near the creepy looking tree.

He look so sad. I went near him. Now,I am facing his perfectly shaped back.

I poked him....

Me:" It's snowing , yah know "

He looks familiar though. He then faced me.

Me:" Why Chris?! Why are you crying?!!!"

He hug me so tight. I noticed a table for two with a bunch of roses on the center.

I guess, he made this for the confession thing? I am lost!! He likes me right? And this is supposed to be our dinner date? I'm here already ( even though he didn't really mention this to me before.) so why is he crying like there is no tomorrow?.Is he crying becuase the snow poured down? HOW PATHETIC..OPPSS I mean, HOW SWEET:D

Me:" It's okay Chris.. Errr....you can reschedule this some other time.haha"

What a good friend I am.

Chris:" I'm rejected..." Still, he is hugging me.

Me:" ha? Who rejected you?"

Chris:" My crush, no... scratch that, my love"

Me:" So, its not me your talking about?"

My vission got blurred. So, all this time I am this pathetic loser who thinks he love me? He then let go of me.

Chris:" What are you talking about?"

Me:" Nothin'... I was just kidding. haha"

But deep inside... I am hurting <///3

Me:" So tell me what happened. Dry those tears!! You look like a gay,crying over a girl who dont even deserve you."


After that day, he moved out. He continue his college in Paris.

Our last conversation through web is about 4 years ago. Yes, it's been a long time. He left me here with a broken heart. I never had a chance to ask him who is his love. And never had a chance to tell him what I truely feels. I wonder, are we still the best of friends? Nuh, if he truely treasure our friendship, he'll do anything to maintain our long distance friendship.His lost, not mine. He lost the girl who is madly inlove with him before. Yes, I had move on. I dont care about him anymore. Argh.. who am I fooling?? I love him. I always do.

Mom:" Aly,Chris is coming back. So, better look pretty. Tell you the truth, you look awlful"

Me:" Chris is what?"

Mom:" He's arriving later.Better fetch her."

Me:" HIM, mom"

Mom:" Oh yeah right..HIM"



OMG! I think my heart is about to explode any minute. Am I ready to face him? What if he is with " THE ONE"?

(Courtesy of " THANK YOU FOR THE PAIN" Read it... I got this plot from that. haha)

How am I suppose to act? I think I need to pee first..Oh hate it. I feel so nervous.

" Oh Aly!! I miss you so much,gal"

Out of nowhere, a lady hugged me then let go of me when she noticed the awkward silence of mine.

" Cant you recognize me?"

I look her from head to foot then back to her head. Okay,she is way prettier than me. She has this two long smooth legs. A flat belly. OMG! Her boobs are even bigger than mine. Her body is so perfect. And her face...Oh My Gee!! She looks like a carbon copy of Aphrodite! With those red lips and blue eyes.

I raised an eyebrow on her. Cant help but to feel insicure.

Me:" I dont. Who are you?"

" This is Chris! Your bestfriend! You changed a lot"

Me:" So you are... a gay??"

Chris:" No dear , I am a girl!! hahaha I read a magazine , encouraging all those men but a lady in heart to be proud of himself so... tadah!!! I changed for the better !! And oh, to make that guy who dumped me drool over my body.haha"



(A/n: lesson learned: DI LAHAT NG GWAPO EH LALAKI :)


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