matty b fell out of the closet onto troyes lap, bawling his eyes out due to the fact he just sucked the dick if of a rich man and didnt get payed.
"matty b thats prostitution." exclaimed troye.
"i know," responds matty. he slips his hands into doland tramps pockets and takes some money. he grabbed about 80 bills and they were all 100s. he escaped from the orgy, troye in hand and went to troyes house.
"quick get inside." troye wonders what went on in the closet but doesnt ask.
"i really need to tell you something troye. confess me love. troye you are the greatest person i know and your fringe is as hot as the deepest pit of hell. please take me over daddy."
"whatever you say," responds troye. matty b is tied to the bed forming an x with his arms and legs. daddy troye comes in with all of his kinky toys including the sex swing and the mouth widener that kind of looks like this.
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