Part 1

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Normal POV

The bell to your class rang, showing that it was time for class to start, and Mrs.Lee walked in to your class to check the attendants.

The teacher called out each of the students' name including you.

You are actually famous amongst the boys students, but the girls doesn't like you that much since somehow they said that you stole their boyfriend's heart but truth be don't really look at guys that much, you only look at them if they were talking to you about studies or just simply talking to you, but you don't really care that much.

One of the girls hated you so much when she heard that her boyfriend confessed to you, how is that possible? Nobody knows.

Back to the story.

"I have good news for you and a bad news", Mrs.Lee spoke out and all attention went back to her.

"Which news do you wanna year first?", Mrs.Lee continued her words.

"Good news!", the students cheered.

Mrs.Lee smiled up to them, "a lot of new students from China will come here and study here".

All the students cheered with smiles in their features but one, you. You didn't actually care about new people but you're always curious about theirs studies.

"Ok, now I'm gonna tell you the bad news. Well! The bad news is that all of the transferees are going to different classes and none of them join this class", Mrs.Lee continued her words and all the students (excluding you) let out an exasperated sigh.

"But, they still can choose whether to prefer the class they were assigned to or they can choose other class", Mrs.Lee again continued her unfinished words.

Suddenly loud squeals could be heard from all of the class which made your class curious, then a sound of doors sliding from outside could be heard, everyone got curious so everyone tried to get a glance.

What they saw was 12 male handsome students in uniform coming out from two vans.

The girls were all squealing and were staring in awe. You peeked outside through the window next to you and showed no interest at all as you went back to your novel in your hand.

An hour had passed and there was no sign of student transferring to your class, not that you care.

The class went on as usual until it was lunch break, all the student walked out of their classroom, the girls from your class rushed out to see the boys.

You grabbed your phone and book to walk out of the door of your classroom to go to the cafeteria with your friend from Class B.

As you walked out of your classroom someone ran passed you and accidentally made your book fell down.

You sighed before you crouched down as you tucked your long (h/c) locks behind your ear.

Then the said person who ran onto you, gave you a hand for you to stand, you didn't waste your time but to hold their hand and stood back up.

The guy who ran to you stared at you with pink dust spreading across his face, "I-I'm sorry, are you okay?", he asked. You recognised his face, he was one of the transferee.

You flashed your gentle smile and nodded, "it's okay, I'm fine". He stared at you for too long and everyone was watching the both of you from the side. "Oh! Sorry I'm staring! I'm Baekhyun", he held out his hand for you to shake.

"I'm (y/n), you're....not Chinese.....ah, nevermind me, I must get going", you bowed your head as you flashed him another smile before you walked past him and tucked your hair behind your ear.

He continued to stare at her as she walked away.

'Woah.... she's so....pretty', he said to himself before his other gang grabbed his shoulder.

"Yah, Baekhyun, how's your class?", another Chinese transferee grinned ear-to-ear.

"Luhan-hyung, I think Baekhyun-hyung was staring at the pretty girl", a shorter male popped out from out of nowhere.

"Who?", the leader of the group asked.

"Girl from Class-10A", the short male explained.

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