Chapter one excerpt

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In life there are people who naturally make you curious. Whether  it's someone you randomly see in a grocery store or the girl from math class who wears expensive red lipstick and acts like she knows all of your secrets. For me that person was Max Turner. Although, he was practically invisible to the world, I saw him, and I wanted to know more. The first time I had ever seen him he was sitting in the waiting room to the principals office. He was hunched over and was looking at his hands. He looked as if he were rehearsing what he was about to say. Like he was anticipating the accusations waiting in that room.
I always used to see him in that room and every time he did the same thing. He hunched over, rubbed his temples, and tapped his foot impatiently waiting to be called in. I worked in the office as a student assistant to the secretary, Mrs. Evans. She's a kind woman with a very distinctive style. She believes that just because it doesn't match, it doesn't mean it looks bad. She's also 72 so I understand where she's coming from. Mrs. Evans retired last year and now some lady named Mrs. Peters sits at her desk. Mrs. Peters doesn't allow student helpers in the office so now I'm never in there.
After Mrs. Evans retired last year I didn't see Max in school all that much. From what I heard from Mrs. Evans, he's out a lot due to domestic disturbances. I think that's why he was always in the principals office, not because he got into fights but because someone at home is hitting him.
School starts up again tomorrow and I am completely mentally unprepared. I'm not ready for the books, homework, assignments, or the needy teachers who think their class is the only one you're in. Man do I hate teachers like that.
The one thing that excites me about school just like every one else is seeing friends I haven't seen in a while. My best friend Megan has been in Italy all summer and tomorrow is the first time I'm seeing her in three months so one could say that I'm pretty damn excited.
The rest of my friends and I hung out almost all summer going on wild adventures together. And when I say adventures I mean sitting in my basement playing beer pong. Although I would've rather gone to Italy with Megan, those nights that we all just sat in my basement and watched old horror movies together were the most fun I had since freshman year.
This summer something weird started to happen. One of my friends named Jake started to act rather strange around me. He would avoid talking to me one on one and always left the room when we were alone together. It's starting to worry me because we have been friends since only God knows how long. I hate that he's shutting me out. I wish I knew why. I talked to my other friends Mike, Baylie, and Chris about it and they all agreed that something was up. I just hope that whatever it is, he will get over it quickly because we have English together and there is no way I'm dealing with that kind of an awkward situation in a school classroom. I already have the stress of passing on my shoulders.


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