Everything was stressing me out. There were boxes everywhere in the house still, Harry had been gone practically since my stuff got moved last week because of work stuff, and my record company was really pushing me to go out and do more promo. On top of all of that, I was trying to plan a little for the wedding and get some ideas started before everything got too crazy. That wasn't really working out, though.
I think I've seen Harry for about an hour in the last three days other than sleeping next to him at night. Every morning I woke up to an empty bed with a note on his pillow saying that he had to head into the studio or to a meeting and that he loved me. Although the gesture was sweet, I kinda missed actually seeing him in the mornings. I almost wish he'd wake me up before he left, but I know he leaves fairly early so at the same time I don't.
He'd gotten home at about ten and I was already fast asleep. I vaguely remember waking up but I fell right back asleep. Now it's three in the morning and I can't seem to keep my eyes closed. I had a migraine and I was experiencing some lovely cramps because mother nature paid a visit this morning. On top of that, I couldn't stop thinking.
After just laying awake for about twenty minutes I gave up on trying to fall back asleep. I grabbed one of Harry's shirts and changed into it before heading downstairs. Pancake woke up from where she was laid out on the couch and followed me into the kitchen. She sat on one of the bar stools and watched me dig around through all of our stuff to find some pain meds.
I was just trying to get water. That's all I wanted to do. And then suddenly the cup was on the floor and water was everywhere. I cleaned up everything right away, trying to ignore how irritated I was. I got so frustrated from it that I plopped a spot on the kitchen floor with a spoon and a pint of ice cream once it was all cleaned up. I was about three spoonfuls in when the light flickered on and Harry was standing in the doorway shirtless with ruffled hair and a very confused look on his face.
"What's up, babe?"
"Nothing," I mumble. "Just go back to bed."
He rolls his eyes at me, shutting off the light and coming over to sit next to me on the floor. "We've argued over enough small pointless things since moving in together and I'm not going to let this be one of them. What's wrong, Ave? And you can't say nothing because it's 3:30 AM and you're sitting on our kitchen floor eating ice cream."
I start to cry and Harry takes my ice cream and sets it back in the freezer behind him. I'm pulled into his lap and Charm comes in and lays next to us, worried about my crying. Pancake couldn't care less.
"Baby, what's up? Did something happen?"
"No," I muffle into his shoulder. "I'm just PMS-ing and stressed."
He runs his fingers through my hair and holds me close against him. I finish crying fairly quickly, the only plus side to being on my period. My crying episodes always stay short, thankfully. Can't say the same for my pissed off moods sometimes.
"How about this," Harry whispers in my ear. "How about we go back to bed and then in the morning we can go get breakfast. That sound good? And then we could come home and start painting our bedroom and the hallway."
"Don't you have to work though?" I sniffle slightly and sit up so I can look at him.
"No, I'm all yours for the next week. Julian had to fly out to work with Fifth Harmony for the week. I was writing with him so much 'cause I knew he wouldn't be in town for much longer."
"Can we go to iHop?"
He laughs lightly and nods his head. "We can do whatever you want to, Ave."
I stand up, sniffling once more as Harry stands up too. He puts my spoon in the sink and then takes my hand to lead me upstairs. We crawl back into our bed and Harry pulls me into him once he's comfortable.
"I'm sorry that I haven't been home much," he says quietly. "It wasn't very fair of me to leave you to all alone to unpack stuff."
"S'fine, I understand."
"I've just been in such a good mode and routine the past couple days with writing. Sometimes I forget that I should step away for awhile and get some time to myself, where I'm not working. But I guess that when I get inspired, it's hard to stop."
"What've you been working on?"
"A few different songs. About us, mainly you though. Love has really got me inspired right now I guess."
I smile and place a kiss to his collar bone. "Look at you; having my handwriting on your body has got you all sappy."
Although I can't see his eyes, I'm sure he's rolling them. I feel a light kiss to my head as he mumbles for me to go to sleep. He sings lightly to calm me, which puts me right to sleep.
When we woke up, we got dressed and went to iHop like we'd planned. We didn't stay out long because paps showed up, but I'd gotten my random craving of iHop taken care of so I didn't care. We headed to the paint store from there to get everything we needed. The only places we want to re-paint are the bathroom, our bedroom, and the hallway. So buying paint doesn't take long.
We immediately start moving stuff around in the bedroom when we get home so we can lay down plastic. When everything is all set up, Harry puts on some music and we change into clothes that we're okay with ruining just in case. While Harry tapes up the windowsill, I pour some of the paint into a tray and start with a roller nearby.
"Look at us, being adults and doing adult things!"
Harry stops what he's doing to look at me, an eyebrow raised. "You're barely an adult."
"I'm older than eighteen, so yes I am," I stick my tongue out at him, which makes him roll his eyes.
"You're literally a year over eighteen."
"Wow, you can count and do simple math! Gold star for you, Mr. Styles."
His eyes narrow, an evil smirk coming over his face. He lunges forward, dipping his hand in the can of the paint on the ladder and running at me. I screech and dodge away from him, hoping to miss his paint covered hand. Unfortunately I'm too slow, his cold paint drenched fingers grabbing onto my arm and getting paint on my skin.
"Unfortunately, Miss. Gonzalez, I cannot reward you a gold star. Your running didn't meet our gym class expectations."
I scoff, glaring at him. "Oh, its on."
He smiles, releasing my arm and moving his hand up to my face. He smears a little paint on each of my cheeks, then kisses my lips gently.
"Even with war paint, you still look adorable."
I smile, pretending to forgive him as I wrap my arms around him. What he'd forgotten about was the fact that I had a paint roller in my other hand. I roll it up his back, making him let out a yell of shock. He backs up from me, getting away from the roller.
"Truce? If we keep this up we'll run out of paint." He holds out his hand, offering for me to shake it. I sigh and take it, falling forward gladly as he pulls me into him.
"Fine. But if there's leftover paint when we're done your ass is mine, Styles."
"What's mine is yours and whats yours is mine. Just keep that in mind, baby."

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...