Glee/Hunger games

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The cannon went off and Blaine ran to get his weapon, he grabbed a dagger, bow and arrow, and sword. Blaine looked around and saw Sam and Kurt in a sword fight, Blaine just kept running, he looked back one last time to see Sam straddling Kurt about to slit Kurt's throat. Blaine looked away just in time before the cannon went off, Blaine looked up and saw the sky turn in to a grid with Kurt's profile and his information, "ok, one of my friends is dead, keep it together" Blaine said to himself.

Blaine ran into the woods, he saw Tina dead on the ground, Blaine heard the cannon go off, he knew it was for Tina, district 4, he looked up and saw Kitty running away from Tina's dead body, Blaine ran to catch up to kitty, he wanted to kill her, kitty looked back and saw him. Blaine tackled Kitty and pinned her to the ground, "don't kill me, please!!" Kitty said crying. "I'm sorry Kitty, you are dead to me" Blaine said right before he stabbed her to death. He heard the cannon go off. He looked at his hands, they were red with Kitty's blood. Blaine looks up and sees Rachel kicking Jake in the face, "oh god..." Blaine thought turning away.

Blaine felt as if someone was watching him, he turned around and saw Marley pointing her bow and arrow at him, "Holy crap!!!" Blaine said before he ran away from her, he hid behind a tree, he waited for around 10 minutes. "Ow!!! Oh shoot, That hurt!!!" Blaine yelled a second after one of Marley's arrows got him in the arm. Blaine pulled it out if his arm and drew his bow and arrow and let go of the string and the arrow stabbed Marley in the throat and she fell to the ground, the cannon went off. "It's really late, I'm really tired, I'll sleep in a tree!" Blaine thought to himself before thinking about ways to climb the tree. Blaine wraps his arms around the tree and scoots his way up the tree, he settles on a branch and quietly falls asleep. Blaine wakes up to the cannon shooting off, he looks up and sees Quinn's profile and information in the sky. He jumps down from the tree and lands safely. he hides quickly when he sees Brittany running in his direction, she doesn't see him. She hides on the other side of the tree he's hiding behind, "holy crap holy crap holy crap!" Blaine thought to himself hysterically. He scoots closer to Brittany, Blaine pulls out his dagger slowly from his pocket, "I'm sorry Brittany" Blaine said, all Brittany could do before Blaine killed her was a small gasp, the cannon went off once again, this time Brittany's profile and information came to the sky. About 4 minutes after the cannon went off and mikes info and profile came into the sky. Blaine got hungry and shot an arrow at a near by squirrel. Before he even took a step towards it he heard a movement near by, "ahhh!!" Blaine said quietly, "who's there??" Blaine saw a figure run from tree to tree, the figure peeked out from behind a tree, it was Sugar. "I'm gonna kill you, little annoyance" Blaine said to himself before shooting Sugar in the eye with an arrow. The cannon went off, Blaine didn't even bother to look up. The cannon went off again this time he looked up, it was Mercedes. Blaine heard something, he just started running, he tripped over something, "ow... Tha-" Blaine couldn't even finish his sentence when he realized what he tripped over. It was Rachel's dead body. "Holy crap" Blaine said freaked out. Blaine turned around and saw Finn for a second before Finn hit Blaine over the head with a stick, Blaine got knocked out from that. When Blaine regained consciousness, he saw Finn lying dead near him with a stick in his hand. Blaine got up, dizzy, he kept running, then he saw someone wheeling towards him, "ahh! He's wheeling fast! It must be Artie!!" Blaine thought, until he realized that Artie had gotten super close, Blaine pulled out his dagger and swung it towards Artie and the dagger slit Artie's throat, Artie didn't fall out of his wheelchair. The cannon went off. Blaine heard something, not the cannon, something else, it sounded like a person, "I'm about to go all Lima Hights!!!" Santana screamed while beating Puck to death with a stick. "That is terrifying" Blaine said to himself, about to run away when he noticed Santana looking straight at him, "oh... crap." Blaine said, after he said that he lost his balance and fell down. Santana took her foot off Pucks chest and walked towards Blaine holding her stick high, "I'm about to go all Lima Hights on your sorry a" Santana quietly but just loud enough for Blaine to hear her. Then her face went lifeless, her body went limp and fell to the ground, Blaine looked up when the cannon went off for Santana and Puck, Blaine saw Sam with a bloody dagger in his hand, a black eye and his face had a big bloody gash on his face. "Sam..." Blaine said relived, "what happened to your face?" "Quinn scratched me with her sword, and Finn whacked me with a stick when he was about to kill you" Sam said. "You killed Finn to save me?" Blaine said softly. "Yes" Sam said, "Blaine, every one is dead except for us, one if us has to die" "do it." Blaine said, "kill me"

"Blaine, no-"

"If you kill me you win it all!"

"Blaine no I can't kill you!" Sam said, "you are the only one here I can't kill, you are too special to me, if I kill you I won't be able to live with my self"

"Sam, you know for a fact I can't kill you, and now I know you can't kill me" Blaine said, "how are we going to do this?"

"I love you, Blaine Anderson" Sam said one second before he stabbed himself in the chest.

"Sam!!!!" Blaine said starting to cry. Sam fell against a tree behind him, Blaine ran up to Sam, "no no no no don't be dead don't be dead, oh please don't be dead!" Blaine managed to say through his sobbing. he put pressure on Sam's wound after he took out the knife. The cannon went off, one last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2013 ⏰

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