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(Above is the Circle Of Life Song. Plz listen while you read) ☺️

   The world is full of surprises, even when you don't know it, and sometimes you don't realize it, at all! I see the world mixed with options. Like for example, there is yellow path, then there's this pretty blue one, but which one would you go down? - yellow or blue?
You choose your favorite color, Blue, you head down that way and the next thing you know, your holding onto a weak branch hanging randomly on a side of a cliff, meanwhile, while you struggle to get back up, the yellow path holds daisies and flowers.
Like this one time, I was on a roller coaster with my little sister who was turning fourteen, for some reason, the roller coaster had stopped on a loop and we were hanging from the top.
It was so scary, I swear to fucking God! I thought I was dead.
"Marley, keep holding!" I said, grasping my little sisters hand. But she ain't make it. Her blood was rushing to her head and she blacked out from hanging upside down for too long. She died.
My mother she just lost it. My father he was...okay I guess.
    But it was when we lost my older brother, that's when things got really shaky, Emanny, who was shot when he was near the "HOOD HOOD".
     My father doesn't know how to handle emotions, nor does my mother or technically anyone in my family. But me, I am sorta the outer. I control mine, but when there's to much I go BONKERS. And when I go BONKERS, it might make your head spin, even just thinking about it.
   And then there's me. Me taking these paths and figuring them out like I do on jigsaw puzzles when I was younger, only they are a teensy bit more smaller jigsaws. Me putting these pieces together...
    You could have about fifteen years to live , or eighteen like my brother, or eighty- eight, or forty-two. But that is the way Jesus plans your life right?
   Life, when your mother finally gives that big push, and your out! - that's life, your mother created life, and your father helped her create that life, then you turn 63 and you die from aging, that's life.
   It's like life is a tree, or a hierarchy. Your mother and father do: you know what. Without that man to do: you know what, you wouldn't be thought of, nor your parents, nor your parents, parents. And then there's the mother who walks around with the tummy holding a precious baby, and finally she is sweating and her hair is popping out like Albert Einstein, and you come out , crying and whining and really killing someone's eardrums. Then you grow and go to Elementary, and then Middle School and High School and eventually college and then graduate and make that step into your life.
   It's not even a step, people say step as if it's one of those porch steps, but no no no and no again, it's that that BIG step. It's that big big run, skip, gallop, hop and then spring far into outer space and fall down into a house. Then everything repeats. You create a baby, push push out school life. Crazy! A lot of work! But your body knows when it's done its job, when you finished your goals and you have done things you are proud of. So that's when it's time to go, and then your like an angel in the sky with Jesus taking you up there to heaven.
     Just hold that cub in your arms and sing the circle of life while Simba (whatever his name is) is like, What the Flipping Hell is Happening Right Now? While this color monkey holds him.
     You, you, you. I feel like I hear that word a lot. Like it's the most frequent word. And then the conjunctions or contractions (forgot) like you're and then just some random word your. And then your-self.
     Dammit, maybe I do need summer classes. I will look forward to that.
   Anyway, back to you.
    Then there is me, me, me. Me as an, cool , brown skin, brown eyes, black hair. I use that word a lot. Me.
    You will be hearing me and you and this whatever cons in this story, by the way, cause after all. This is about me, and this is about you reading it and commenting and liking it, and enjoying it! But this is all true.
    (Warning: the person who is writing this whom is GracieGrace is not in this story. This is about JayLani, but do not get confused. Btw!! If you did not follow me, plz do and enjoy and like and comment and srry for any mistakes)

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