2orry Guy2

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Well, if you're wondering when I'm going to update, it will not be anytime soon. I know, and I am very sorry. I will be gone for these next two weeks due to a trip to New York for a 'study abroad' trip. I don't plan on taking my laptop, but I might. If I do take my laptop I will be sure to continue working on the next part and update. This is not for certain though, I may not have room in my carry on bag for my laptop. I will be sure to update as soon as I get home! I hope you guys understand, I promise that the next update will be worth every bit of the time that you waited! I can't wait to update, but until then goodbye :33 (if you don't read or haven't read homestuck you will not understand why there are 2's instead of s's in the title, it is just a joke. My favorite homestuck character is sollux! If you have read homestuck comment your favorite character, if you haven't comment you favorite character from anything.)


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