Her Love

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Your POV

I was walking around the park at night and I heard footsteps following mine...What? I had earbuds in how could I hear them so clearly? I realized it was just the music but, how did the footsteps sound like mine? I look around a bit startled seeing no one around. It was probably nothing. I listened to the music closer as I listened to my favorite voice, Cody Carson. America's sweetest punk singer. He was adorable! He inspired me to throw together my own band I only have a drummer though...But he is really good! Now we just need a guitarist and bassist! Maybe another bassist if we're lucky... But the drummers name is Ash and he says he might have a friend that would like to join.

"Hello" A voice echoed from behind me. I froze in my tracks swiftly turning around to face the mysterious voice but seeing nothing. The voice was familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it

"Hello?" I called out looking for an answer. I felt a hand place it's self on my shoulder as I jumped and fell to the ground I looked again seeing Ash.

"ASH YOU DICK!" I yelled. He chuckled holding out his hand expecting me to grab on to it

"Nice to see you too Y/N!" He laughed sarcastically I lifted myself up. He looked at me shocked

"What? Did you really think I was going to let you help me up?" I asked with an annoyed tone in my voice

"You love me!"

"I wish I didn't"

"Heeeey!" Ash laughed as we started walking down the pavement.

"Hey you know it's really late?" Ash asked still laughing a bit

"Yeah you know it's really late?" I mocked he laughed

"We should head home" He offered I nodded leaning my head on his shoulder. We were sort of a thing but that was a while ago. He told me he liked me I told him I liked him but we haven't decided if we're dating but we still do the normal things boyfriends and girlfriends would do like kiss or cuddle or that sort of stuff. Once we got home I took off my boots sat on the couch and held out my arms hoping Ash would come and cuddle and he did.

"So what do you wanna do?" He asked as I nuzzled my face into his neck. I grabbed the remote handing it to him

"Pick a movie any movie" I squeaked. He nodded and petted my hair while scrolling through Netflix I heard him click the play button then put the remote down I then heard the beloved music start playing

"You're the best" I giggled looking away from his neck to see my favorite movie (Your favorite movie)

"I knew you would be happy" He smiled I fell asleep halfway through the movie though...

~The Next Morning~

I woke up seeing as though I was in a bed...I guess Ash brought me here when I fell asleep. I looked around. Weird Ash was no where to be found (That rhymed!) I walked in to the kitchen to see Ash cooking some pancakes

"Goooooood morning!" He chimed his short black hair was messy he had bags under his brown eyes.

"Ash you didn't have to" I said groggily. I sat on the counter as he plopped a plate down next to me

"But I wanted to" He laughed mockingly I then smelled the best smell in the world

"BACOOOOOOON!!!!" I yelled opening my eyes to see the plate had pancakes with whipped cream and bacon on them to form a smiley face

"You're so cheesy" I chuckled

"But I'm so gooda at it!" He joked I face palmed

"That was so bad it hurt listening to you say that."

"You love me"

"I wish I didn't" I smiled as he gave me a flirty wink and went back to making his own pancakes. Once we were finished with breakfast we decided we would go out band member finding.

We placed a bunch of flyers days prior to today saying we needed a few guitarists and bassists and had gotten calls from people so we decided to rent out a place for the day to see everyone's skills. We set up and sat down seeing as though there was a line of people outside looking very anxious and excited. I smiled

"They wanna meet us! The crappy indie punk band!" I exclaimed hugging Ash

"Yes they do! And they want to be apart of the band" He chuckled hugging me back gently. He gestured for the first person outside the door to come in. She slowly walked in holding her guitar and smiled shyly I smiled back

"Hi! What's your name?" I asked still smiling

"K...Kenny" She stuttered softly I nodded

"Nice to meet you! Now what are you going to be playing?" I exclaimed she immediately brightened

"Boulevard Of Broken Dreams!" She exclaimed excitedly. Yay! I know this song! I can sing to it! She started the chorus

"My shadow's the only one that walks beside me. My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating. Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me. 'Til then I walk alooone" I sang as she played the song. It was sort of off tune but she seemed nice so I gave her my phone number if she wanted guitar lessons. She kindly excepted then left the next person came in it was a dude

"Hi! Nice to meet you! What's your name?" I asked. He seemed happy.

"I am Andrew!" He chuckled I like him he is outgoing just what we need! I smiled

"And what are you playing for us today?" I asked he smiled even wider

"Horrible Kids by-" I cut him off

"SET IT OFF!!!!!!" I exclaimed excited he chuckled. I memorized this song in hopes someone would play it! He started with the second verse

"What makes this target grooow? Is it when his feelings show? Hold a gun to his head and you'll know! You push him down as slow as he can...GO! Get away from me! Leave me be I beg you please I'm on the the floor my bented knee and maybe then I'll keep my sanity! And I can't staaaand this pain they cause me this puzzle will solve itself and maybe I just can't seem to put this together yet!" I sang he played it amazingly! I don't like using the word perfect but dayum! This guy might deserve it!

"Awesome! You are definitely a possibility!" I squealed getting the seal of approval from Ash he shook the both of our hands

"Thanks!" He smiled as he left. As the day went on we found very few people who were as good as Andrew so it came down to 3 people. Andrew, Jake or Stephanie. We chose Andrew seeing as he was first and he played a Set It Off song seeing as the other 2 didn't even know who Set It Off was. I grabbed my phone dialing in his phone number waiting for him to pick up. I heard someone groggily pick up the phone seeing as it was 1:30 AM

"Helyiooo" The person slurred. Great! It was Andrew!

"Hi um is this Andrew?" I asked

"Yes this is he..." He dragged on the he part

"Great! Well I am excited to see you in the morning now that you're our new bassist!" I exclaimed I heard him gasp

"REALLY?!" He pterodactyl screeched. I laughed

"We are excited to say that we are close to a complete band if you have anyone that might like to join please do tell us! Anyways come meet us at our house and we will start recording tomorrow!" I chuckled

"Okay! Great! See you guys tomorrow!" He exclaimed hanging up


Hello everyone! I know long time no update! Well this is my new story! And yes Set It Off is a real band this story is not real in any way shape or form the nice men from Set It Off are not actually what they are in the story so please do forgive me and them! Question of the day! (Yes I still do question of the day) If you were to start a band what would the band name be? Love yall bye!!! <3

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