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Pandora's pov

I'm so excited hika and kao are going to show me all of their friends I asked if there were any girls in their friend group they said wait and you'll find out ugh I nope can't even pronounce that word directed at my brothers we've been through so much together it's hard not to think of me without them I'm happy to go to school with them

Pandora Hitachiin statics
Age:same as hika and kao 5 min younger than hika and 5 min older than kao
Personality:mischievous and kind to her brothers shuts the rest of the world out and is very outgoing at times basically a girl version of the twins
Height:same as hika and kao
Act for host club:part of the sibling love package
Flower color:same as hika and kao

So basically that's all there is to her she also loves anime and pocky and hello pandas she loves her sweets

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