Chapter 1

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Have you ever felt that you are alone in this BIG world even though a bunch of people are around you? Have you felt that everywhere you go people are judging you? Or that your hair is just something else so people can make fun off? Or that your eyes are not as pretty as the girls in the cheer leading squad?

Well...You are NOT the only one...

OH WAIT!!! Let me introduce myself. My name is Jaine Elisabeth Rose. I am a junior about to be a senior. I have light blue eyes and light brown hair. I have an older brother about to go to college. He has chocolatey light brown eyes, in other words hazel, and light brown hair. His name is Jaiden Mark Rose. When we were little he was over protective of me. When we were little we use to say we were best friends and we were unseparable...until highschool.

My parents fought alot and got devorced. We lived with our mother, Jaide. And we were prohibited to see our father, Jeremiah Rose. That hit my brother like a brick. He was really close to him. He started disrespecting my mom because of the disicion they had made. He went out and got drunk every weak, every night he will come home at 2:00am with different girls and started partying every Friday. Our good relationship was gone. We use to tell each other EVERYTHING. Now its like he doesnt give 2 things about me.

My brother if i can say, he's good looking, he works a lot in the gym, has a six pack and his one of those kind of guys who have sluty girls after them.

Okay, okay, back to me. I dont really talk much, im one of those shy girls,or nerdy. I also get picked at by Brittany, the head cheerleader. She is such a itch with a b in front of it, but i never do anything about it, i cant anyway...

Im usually very antisocial. People just annoy the hell out of me. In school im usually the one who loves History and Chemestry. In the other classes i dont even bother to listen to the annoying teachers and students.

Im always either in the front listening to what their teaching or in the back listening to Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, Walk The Moon, Maroon 5 or one of my favorite bands, R5. Their usually the only ones who keep me happy in this disaster of a world we live in.

Well...I also Love SO Much a youtuber called iiSuperwomanii and Roman Atwood. They make me laugh every night when im about to do something i would regret later on.

I am currently at school, homeroom, watching the teacher moving her lips...But not listening to what she's saying and insted to Panic! at the Disco: Emperor's New Clothes. That song is the bomb!! I dont usually say that but this annoying as hell guy got me saying that.

I was drawing some flowers with skeletons when from the nothing i hear a loud voice yelling my name..."JAINE!!!, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING LISTENING TO MUSIC WHILE IM TEACHING???!!!" My teacher, Ms.Joyleen yelled. I cold see see all the people laughing at me as usuall. "Shes clearly ignoring you Ms. shes just being a ignorant bitch as always" said Brittany, I heard more laughter from the cheerleading team and football team." Brittany Watch your profanity!!" yelled Ms.Joyleen as usuall. "And we are not done with this conversation Ms.Rose, see me after class" She said after walking away from me.

"OHH after class what are you going to do to her?,Fuck her?" The jackass, Brian Hansley said. I got red as a tomato and just looked down at my desk. "Oh please, Jaine cant even get some of an old lady" Said again Brittany.

"YOU TWO!!! TO THE OFFICE NOW!!!" yelled Ms.Joyleen. Both cussed under their breath and stormed out of the class. By now i was use to this everyday, but that doesnt mean it didn't hurt. They do this everyday its no surprise. The office is like there second home. They are ALWAYS in there, "Ms. Rose!! Whats the answer for number 22?" asked Ms. Joyleen, Oh nuts, i dont know any of this, its like asking me how babies are made... I actually know that, but for a little 5 year old's mind. "Ummm...I dont know" i answerd looking down at my desk with my long sleeve covering my mouth. "We just went over this a month ago Jaine, How do you not know this?" i dont even remember what i ate for breakfest, How am i suppost to rememeber a month ago? " We are going to have to call home after class Jaine" She stated, I dont really care, nobody usually answers the house phone. "Okay..." I whispered not really caring.

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