The missing teacher.

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By:Gabe Knochel

The Missing Teacher

I could smell the earthy smell of the forest beyond the training arena and the salty taste of the air from the ocean. I was at my weekly training duel with my teacher. But I am getting ahead of myself.

My name is Gabriel Thundercloud, I am able to control the weather, to a point, and I am a crack shot with a bow. I am a student of wizardry, like most of the other kids in my village. There are many other students at my school but I mainly only have two friends, Carter Eaglewing and Griffin Firebrim.

Carter is skilled with a sword and has the unique ability to posses animals and even weak willed humans to do his bidding. Griffin is very, destructive, he loves his throwing bombs and is able to summon and control fire, and cause explosions at will. There you go, there are my friends, but I feel like I am forgetting some one.

Ah, I know, Professor Rattlebones. My teacher is a necromancer, he is able to possess humans and spirits, he has even brought the dead to life. He is still a great teacher if you are on his good side. But if you misbehave in his class, you will regret it. As I said before he can possess humans, what he does is he takes control of you and literally makes you jump off the nearest cliff, no matter how deep.

Almost everyone dies, but as I said he is a necromancer so he can bring the dead back to life, so the people that fall aren't dead for long, but they usually never misbehave again.

My school had not experienced any dark magic for 15 years until Professor Rattlebones went missing one day. He had a substitute at his desk and he had the schedule written on the board. Nobody paid much attention to this. Even wizards get sick from time to time. But then after two weeks of the professor being gone, my friends and I started to get suspicious. No one else seemed to notice, one day we started asking around. We would usually ask things like, "Have you seen Professor Rattlebones in the village?" and they would respond with things like, "Who's that?" and, "Don't waste my time!" Then we started asking the teachers, just to get the same kind of answers. That was when we knew something was afoot. We settled it between ourselves that we would find our teacher.

We were going to leave the very next day when there was knock on the round wooden door of our house. Griffin looked through the peephole in the very middle of the door. "There's no one there!" He said. We cautiously opened the door to see Professor Rattlebones towering in the doorway.

He rushed in without us asking he in and quickly said to us, "Carter, Griffin, and Gabe, the world is in peril and I believe you are the only three that can stop his terrible fate.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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