Part 1: Famous

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"Yo, Ulrich, I'm so excited for this concert tonight! I can't believe the one and only Dimitri Arterburn is coming to our school!" Odd happily bounced around the boys' shared dorm room.
"Calm down, will ya? Jeez, you're more peppy than Jeremy was the day we materialized Aelita." Ulrich continued to tie his shoe, as Odd swirled around the room with Kiwi in his arms.
"Imagine it, Kiwi! A famous person, at our school! And he's cute, too!" Odd froze, blushing, and glanced at Ulrich from the corner of his eye.
"Odd, I'm not like your parents." Ulrich noted to the spiky haired boy. "You've done nothing but talk about him for the past week, even on Lyoko."
"I have?" Odd set Kiwi down as Ulrich threw his shoes to him.
"Come on, we've gotta pick up Jeremy and Aelita, and get down there, so stop daydreaming and get ready."

After picking up Aelita and Jeremy, and meeting up with Yumi, the group entered the Gymnasium, and found a spot to stand just a little bit away from the stage.
Odd barely caught a glimpse of a green-haired boy peering between the curtains, before the face dissappeared.

"There are a lot of kids at this school, Dan. Are you sure it's the best one for me?" The boy asked as he slid on the skin tight suit he was to wear for a certain song. He pulled a regular t shirt and pair of pants over it, and slipped on a fake pair of glasses.
"I am certain, sir. Kadic Academy is your best option to try and lead a semi-normal life."
The boy turned sharply as the crowd of students began to scream his name.
"I sure hope this isn't every day." He said, as his manager moved off stage, and the boys in the sound booth gave a count off before the curtains slid open to reveal a smiling Dimitri, and the drummer began to play.

"Did you ever Doubt your dream will ever come true? Did you ever Blame the world and never blame you? I will never Try to live a lie again I don't wanna win this game If I can't play it my way!"
Riiiiiiip. The backup dancers had ripped away the 'normal' clothes, and Dimitri stood clad in a green and black skintight suit, and the Code Lyoko symbol danced in the lights behind him as the boy's microphone turned into a strange pistol, and fought holographic versions of XANA's monsters.
"No way! He knows about Lyoko?" Odd gasped, as the boy turned and winked at him.
"Did you see that, Ulrich? He winked at me! He winked at me!"
Ulrich laughed at his friend. "Seriously Odd, if we have a class with him, I'm afraid you'll faint."

"Thank you all for spending your Saturday night watching me dance around on the stage like a fool. I love you all, and tomorrow, I'll officially start here at Kadic Academy as a student! Goodnight!" With that, Dimitri walked off the stage, and the crowd went wild.

"I heard he was going to be a boarder!" Odd declared as he, Jeremy, and Ulrich finished up in the showers the next morning.
"Odd, you're crazy, you know it?" Ulrich laughed at his friend.
"Yeah, I am. Thanks for noticing!"
Just then, another boy joined them in the bathroom, humming softly to himself. Odd's eyes bugged out of his head as he stood face to face with his idol and crush.

"Hi, Odd, is it? I was just talking about you with this girl named Aelita!" The music sensation stepped forward, and spoke in a hushed whisper.
"So, you know Lyoko?" He asked, giving a nervous glance to Ulrich and Jeremy.
"Yeah! Actually, all three of us do!"
Dimitri smiled. "Really? All three of you? Aelita only mentioned you, Odd."
"That's because she's trying to-" Odd slammed his hands over Jeremy's mouth and laughed nervously.
"Hehe, shut up Einstein. You don't wanna ruin this!" He hissed.

Odd flopped onto his bed after lunch.
"Ulrich, I think I understand how you feel about Yumi." He sighed, as he held up a picture the two had taken together when they had made a quick trip into town.
"Odd, you've got it bad. Real bad." Ulrich smirked. "Did you score his number?"
"You bet I did! He said he's got to call his manager though, so I guess I better hold off on calling him just yet."
Ulrich shook his head and scratched Kiwi's ears, before sending the dog to his owner.
"We're all going out to dinner tonight. Maybe you should invite Dimitri, on a date." Ulrich grinned at his friend.
"Yeah, a triple date with you and Yumi, and Jeremy and Aelita." Odd joked, and Ulrich punched him.
"Just ask him if he wants to go with us." With that, Ulrich went to the door.
"I'm gonna see where Jeremy and Aelita want to go, and then I'll call Yumi."

"Why don't we just put out new albums? My notebook is filled with songs! I wrote a new one just ten minutes ago! Plus a few covers! Come on, Dan! Let me try to be a normal kid!"
Odd stopped himself from knocking on Dimitri's door.
"No! I'm not doing another tour right now! We finished the last one last night! We planned for me to go here!"
Odd frowned. "His manager wants him to go back on tour?" He whispered to himself.
"Dan, I've been on three tours in the past year! No more! Let me be a normal kid!"

"Dan, I've been considering this for a while. I have a new manager lined up waiting. You're fired." Dimitri's phone hit the wall, and Odd knocked.
"Dimitri? Can I come in?"
A pause came from the room, before a slightly disheveled Dimitri  opened the door.
"Yeah, come in." He smiled.
Odd came in, and sat down in the chair that sat by the artist's desk.
"So, we're all going out to dinner tonight. Wanna go?" He asked, propping his feet up.
Dimitri thought for a moment.
"Sure, Why not? It sounds like fun!"

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