the hybrid princess and the rebel Prince

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Once upon a time not to long ago, there was a human hybrid princess named raven. She was always misunderstood by everyone even her parents. her mother, queen hazel was a great mother to raven but she would always take her stress out on her because raven's father, king blaze never helps out, he sleeps all the time. King blaze always argued with queen hazel that he's going to leave but what raven's parents and sister don't know is that she has been writing a prince that lives miles away for the past three in a half months. You see the prince was a rebel and he was only seven years older than raven. The prince was very handsome, he was six feet tall and he was turning twenty four soon but he even if he looked imitating he was scared of losing his princess, he loves her so much the he can't wait to marry her. The only problem is that raven's mother didn't want her to date princes seven years older than her, so the princess kept prince Andy a secret until she was eighteen but one terrible day her mother found out that she was keeping a secret from her about Andy. Queen hazel saw all the letters that raven was getting so she locked raven in a room with no food or anything to drink. When raven was in the locked room she looked around and saw a piece of paper on the floor, a small window, a feather, and a broken glass. She had an idea on telling Andy that her mother found out and locked her in a room with nothing so raven took the broken glass and cuts her hand deep enough so she can use her blood to write the letter , she looked around and found a small bowl like object and she pours her blood into the object. After she was done she ripped her skirt and wrapped up her hand then she grabs the feather and starts to write the letter, once she was done, she called for her messaging bird and told him to take the letter to prince Andy. The bird left and she had her back to the wall and she was on the verge of tears worried if the letter wouldn't make it to Andy on time. A week has passed and raven's messaging bird came back with a letter... a letter was from Andy saying he wished he could but he can't because there was a war going on. A week passed by, raven and Andy still send letters to each other about how much they love each other and how one way or another they will be together. One day raven hears a small knock on the locked door, it was her little sister Helena. She tried to speak out to her little sister but no words came out so she ripped a piece of paper that wasn't written on and wrote that she was starving and thirsty after she wrote a note to she sister, raven crawled to the door and slid the paper under it, she heard Helena pick the paper up and read it. she then runs down the hallways to the kitchen to grab a pitch of water, a cup, apples, bread and some cooked meats. Helena puts all of the food on a tray and quietly walked to the door where her older sister is, she tooked out a skeleton key and unlocks the door. She quietly opens the door and puts the tray in the room then closes the door whispers that she will be back with more paper, ink, wash cloth, clean clothes, a brush, and more water just incase. Meanwhile Raven stuffs her face with the food and drinks half of the water in the pitcher, once she felt full she tries to get up but falls, raven hears her sister. Once Helena came back with all the things she saw that the tray was empty and the pitcher was half empty she walks to her sister and helps her up then puts raven on the torn up bed before raven can thank her sister, her messaging bird came back. Helena grabs the letter and hands it to her sister raven reads it and was so happy the letter was from andy saying that the war was over , that he is going to go save her by the time she finished reading the letter, she hugged her sister and thanked her,helena left and locked the door so queen hazel would not know that helena unlocked it. After she left raven cleaned herself up, puts clean clothes on, and brushed her hair again she poured herself more water to drink she wrote a letter to Andy that she will be waiting for him. Three days went by, raven hears commotion outside she ran to the small window and tried to see what was going on but couldn't see much, raven sighed and sat on the torn up bed. Raven hears guards at her door and also hears her little sister was running to her sister's room and she lied to the guards that the queen told her to go in the room and they let her in. when she came in she have snuck food in with her for raven and her, helena sits on the bed next to raven and plays with her hair while the commotion outside still goes on but it starts to come into the castle, raven can hear everything ten times better because of her wolf like ears and hearing. The commotion stops and footsteps was heard, the guards from in front of the door runs to the footsteps and all that was heard was swords clashing. Raven was holding her sister close listening to what was going on .a man's voice was heard, his voice was calming and had a bit worriness in it. The other footsteps spreaded out like they was looking for someone or pair of footsteps got closer to the room and found out that the guards left the door unlocked after letting helena in. there was a knock and the door opened to reveal prince andy, raven got up and ran to andy then started to cry. They hugged but it did not last long once they hear someone clear their throat and to see it was queen hazel who was disappointed in raven for loving someone older than her so she told raven that she is no longer allowed to be in this kingdom. Raven did not care she was just happy that she was able to be with the person she loves so much. Prince andy was so happy to have his princess by his side for the rest of his life and to have her as his queen one day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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