emo vampire princess living with hot vampire princes chap 8

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There I was looking at some random house in the middle of no where I walk up to the house and knock on the door no answer I knock again and the door opens to a big dark house I look around and theres pictures of alec and some chick with him alec oh im in his house okay that's a little freaky I start walking around looking at some pictures when I see a picture of a little boy and little girl holding hands skipping around the snow surrounding them some reason it seemed sooo familiar to me. I looked at the pictures of him and his friends and to be honest he was actually quite hot what he is and im not going to deny that. Then my eyes caught a picture that was sooo cute it showed to kids kissing on the beach it was soooooooo cute and yet again familiar mmmmhhh its probly just my head messin with me. "excuse me can I help u" someone said I turn around and see a girl with blond curly hair and green eyes "oh um I was just um"

"oh wait I know u ur the girl that............killed alec" she sobbed cutting me off what how did she know "u wanna know why I know its cauz im his girlfriend and im a vamp to" um what just happened I asked myself "u know alec was one to I really don't know how he let u bite him" she yelled walking up to me "ummmm I really didn't mean to I swear........and anyway he killed my closest friend." I spat back she just laughed "well he really shouldnt have done that cauz u see since u killed him I think I should kill u I was waiting for u to come alec told me u would" she said just inches away from me "u wouldn't u don't even know me and his already hurt someone that I loved" I spat back moving away " ow u really think I care no let me tell u this one thing I wouldn't care how many people he killed the only person I want dead is U" she screamed the last word pushing me vampire strength with me flying across the room hitting my head on the wall. I lifted myself up I was a vampire im pretty strong.

"U'll regret it I did....pleaz don't I swear I dint mean to I was thirsty for blood u know how it feels" I begged "u seee the thing is I wont regret it I want u to die!" she ran full speed ahead at me lifting me up by the neck choking me "arrrggghhh.....pleaz...arrrggghhh...stop....arrggghh" I choked out the words she laughed grabbed a wooden stake and aimed for my heart I started to cry and to be honest it wasn't because I was going to die it was because I felt bad for her that she lost the one she loved and it was my fault. "then....kill......me" I sobbed "NOOOOOOOO STOP CRYSTAL" someone yelled I actually thought it was ace but she turned around and dropped me on the floor she gasps I look up to see alec standing right there human form I also gasped why was he saving me "baby..........how" she asked breathing heavy I was doing the same alec knelt down next to me our faces inches apart what why was this happening.

"hahahhahahaha your alive and your going to kill her yourself" crystal giggled happily I held my breath and he sighed "no crystal im not I already killed someone that she loved and I regret it" he said rolling his eyes and sighed a big sigh from holding in my breath. "WHAT BUT SHE KILLED U" crystal yelled "NOOOO SHE DIDN'T SHE JUST SUCKED OUT ALL MY BLOOD BUT IWASNT ACTUALLY DEAD ONLY IN OTHER PEOPES EYES" he yelled back standing up crystal cringed at his level of voice.

"keller leave" he whispered knelling back down suddenly I felt angry realizing I dint kill him he was a vampire and vampires can only die by a .....stake in the heart and he killed leo when he wasn't actually dead oh my god "u.....u....u MONSTER" I squealed my vampire scream with crystal holding her ears running off alec handled my loud squeal. "Keller" "DON'T U DARE KELLER ME U KILLED SOMEONE THAT I LOVED AS A PAY BACK FOR KILLING U WHEN I ACTUALLY DIDN'T KILL U.........UR EVIL AND MEAN AND ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH" I yelled bursting into tears he cradled me in his arms.

"Keller im...im sorry I didn't mean to hurt u I swear im.....sorry I was pissed because I never thought that u would do such a thing" "what...do...u...mean...u...don't...even...know...me" I sobbed into his shirt "ha I knew u would forget me." He whispered walking over to the pictures he grabbed one and came back "remember this" he knelt back down showing me the really cute pic of two kids kissing each other on the beach I smiled and shook my head " aww u promised u wouldn't forget me" he smiled back "um....some reason I find this picture familiar but" "keller it was when we were 6 remember and it was our first...kiss." He said making my mind flow into memories of two kids which were us talking and laughing about like we were best friends.

"oh my god alec brown from Malibu" I gasped I used to live in Malibu but when I was 6 the day after he kissed me I moved to California. He nodded I pulled him into the tightest hug "but how did u know it was me" I asked "Keller no one can forget your perfect green eyes when your angry or upset which u were when u attacked me I thought u new who I was" he sighed pulling back I started shaking my head "why...why would u do that even when u new that I was sorry u wanted pay back soooo u killed....leo" I said started to cry "KELLER I WAS JEALOUS" he yelled standing up


"U KNOW WHAT IT FELT LIKE IT FELT LIKE U WERE BRAKING MY HEART IT FELT LIKE THE KISS MENT NOTHIN TO U" he yelled back "WELL THE KISS MENT SOMETHING TO ME THEN OKAY.......AND U CANT SAY THAT IT FELT LIKE THE KISS MENT NOTHIN TO ME BECAUSE NEWS FLASH FOR U, U MOVED ON" I spat back "No I didn't" he said sighing "SO WHAT YOUR GOIN TO LIE TO MY FACE AND TELL ME THAT U DIDN'T MOVE ON WHEN U HAVE A GIRLFRIEND" I screamed getting pissed off at him "KELLER STOP!" he yelled I stop "I did move on but I came to look for u remember the promise I promised u that when I was older I would come to look for u and I did okay and while I had my girlfriends I not once forgot about u and I know it sounds like I am a freak but the day I kissed u I felt something Keller and u obviously didn't" he sighed as I watched a tear fall down his cheek.

"u know I felt something to but I moved on because I thought u well would forget me and break your promise up until I was 12 I wrote in my diary about the kiss but I stopped when I finally realized u probly didn't feel anything and well I thought u would brake your promise soooo I let it all go but I realized I broke my promise 'that I would never forget u which to be honest I did'" I said tears falling down my cheek he looked into my eyes then my lips and kissed me and I kissed him back and well i like it I forgot all about my problems and just kissed him and it felt right and good but so did leos but his gone but the reason his gone is because of alec oh god what is wrong with me arrrrrggggghhhhhh. I tried to pull away but my body wouldn't react instead my tongue danced with his and my arms moved up to his neck my fingers playing with his hair his snake bites playing with my lips it felt right and good soooooo I just let my body do whatever it was doing and didn't try to pull away even though I know what a bitch I am letting the killer of the guy I like kiss me and probly do even more then that oh god why didn't crystal just kill me........................


Im really sorry for the wait Im grounded sooo I cant go on the comp but I still am i hope u like this chapter. ILY!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOX (: [:


My heart: paramore

Use somebody: paramore version

To much: all time low

Therapy: all time low

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2009 ⏰

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