Chpt. 1

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"Karie!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

"Yeeeeeees?" I asked, running down the carpet stairs. I was running so fast you could hear my converse from downstairs.

"Slow down girlie! It's just me!" My best friend and, partner in crime, Three, said. "Well, I can't slow down," I said all in one breath. "Well, hon, you need to. You're moving out soon, remember?" Mom asked. I nodded, sooo excited!! I'm getting freaking drumming lessons from Neil Freaking Sanderson from Three Days Grace! "Okay, I'm taking you out for a little bit of drummer shopping and then come back here and put all the boxed things in the U-HAUL truck, and make our way towards Canada, does that sound good to you?" Mom asked. I nodded and asked, "Can Three come along?" "Girl I'm about to be living with you, of course I'm coming along!" She said. "Duhh, sorry, I forgot," I said. Three rolled her eyes and grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out the door.

Neil's POV

"Ssssssssshhhhhhhhit!" I yelled. "What?!" Brad yelled. "I have drum lessons!" I yelled. "Oh no! It's the end of the world!" Adam yelled, coming in. "Oh shut up. It's not like you have singing lessons," I said. "I don't need to give out singing lessons, my hotness is too much for fans," Adam said, posing. One hand on the side of his head, the other on his hip while he looked up. "Weirdo..." I mumbled. "Anyway, I need to get to the studio," I said. "Go get 'em big shot," Adam said. I rolled my eyes and left.

Karen's POV

"Okay, hon, what do you want?" Mom asked. I grabbed a black leather and lace jacket, black leggings that were torn at the thighs and shines, I grabbed a black shirt with skulls on it, grabbed a whole bunch of rubber bracelets and a red bandana and was finished. "Okay you wanna try all that on?" Mom asked. I nodded. "I can get you something too, Chloe," mom said. "Oh it's okay," Three said. "NOO, you're gettin something. Go pick something oout," I said. "Okay," Three sighed and went to go look around. I rolled my eyes and went in the dressing room, changed into the outfit, and walked out. "You look badass," mom said. I chuckled. "Thanks," I said. "Yeah. I can take the tags and pay so you dont have to change," mom said. "Okay! Cool!" I said, and she walked towards me and took the tags.

Three grabbed a Transit of Venus tank top, black, ripped at the knee jeans and the same leather jacket and some bracelets. "I like it," I said. "Thanks," Three said. I grabbed the tags and went to go pay. I heard Three sigh and run over to me, but I had already paid. She groaned, I chuckled, and we left Hot Topic.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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