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Trees flew past him as he ran through the forest. Why, why were they chasing him? He didn't do any wrong, he was just a different species. Making a sharp turn left up a hill, he heard yelling behind him and the clan's footsteps continue following him. He once he was running down the hill he saw the saw a pile of boulders. He tried to climb over but his sweater got stuck on a branch.

"Goddamn it!" He got his sweater unstuck just for the clan leader to grab his leg and pulled him harshly backwards. He had a rough landing as the clan started to kick him. He cried out in pain as tears formed in his eyes. He curls into a ball on his side. "Show no mercy towards him or his kind." He hears the leader order to the rest of the clan.

When the clan members finally decided that they were bored with beating him up, they just took off over the rocks, leaving him to die at the base of the hill. Just before everything fade into darkness he saw a figure above him with an axe, giving a final feeble wimper, he passed out.

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