Skater Boi

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Walking in to the classroom, i sat in my seat and waited for everyone to walk in, as you can tell i was a really good girl and i got picked on so much it was unreal, i wasn't ugly but i was nothing comperied to the mean girls, or so everyone called them they were the hot, rich and very mean, everyone wanted to be them, they would gang up on all the nerd and geeks, as we were called, the unhot, not rich, and so nice everyone hated us, and they would rip our bags, take our stuff and just genually be mean, we would always try to be like them, we would get bags that were in fashion, wear makeup and stuff like that but it never worked, but i think it's the fact that were never allowed out into town or we were always stuck up doing are homework, but i don't think i will ever be popular, i was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by someone tapping on my desk, "miss winters, i asked you a question" i heard my teacher, mister black say and everyone started laughing, everyone except my best friends Laura and sam, i had known them since the first day in primary school and we just bonded, it took a while to get sam but it was worth it, he is funny and weird, like me and laura and we all liked relativily the same things but sam also happened to be be getting popular, maybe it's because of some of the girls wanting to go out with him, because he wasn't that bad looking but i would never go out with him because of how close we were as friends "miss winters" Mr Black shouted "yes" i said politley back "will you stop daydreaming and listen to the lesson" he grumbled "i bet she was dreaming about her boyfriend sam" i heard rebecca, one of the mean girls say, and i saw sam's face go scarlet, so i turned around and glared at her, she was sat right at the back of the class with her long-term boyfriend Jason, or Muscle-man as everyone called him, she was cheating on him like mad and i was the only one who knew , i wish i could just blurt it out one day with confidence, but i wouldn't dare, because Rebecca would punch my lights out, as she put it, so i just discided i would keep quiet, but i so wanted to go out with Jason, i don't think i would ever find anyone fitter than Jason, but because i'm not Rebecca he won't go out with me, Rebecca knows that i want to but i made her promise that she wouldn't tell because if she did i would tell everyone that she was a cheater, i bet she has told him because he suddenly hates me so yeah... "will you stop staring at me, i know you like me, but seriously you don't need to make it even more obvious than it already is" i heard someone shout and i raised my eyebrow "yes you harper" Jason shouted again and i glared at Rebecca "oh oops sorry i forgot i wasn't mean't to tell him, now i remember" she said sarcastically, then gave me a look as if to say 'you tell anyone about mine and you will be a greese spot on the floor' as she had said to me many times before and i turned around and flicked my hair over my shoulder, i could here them laughing at me and they were wooping and high-fiving Jason and rebecca for coming out with such a smart remark, 'how could someone have so much fun by making fun of someone else' i thought "Harper your thinking out loud again" sam wispered "aww snap" i said and clicked my fingers, i was always thinking out loud, it got me into all sorts of trouble like one time i got put in an after school detention because i said i hate the teacher out loud and it also got me slapped across the face by Rebecca's side-kick lilly, who follows Rebecca around like a lost puppy, but that's another thing i knew, Rebecca hated Lilly but she lets her follow her around because she has loads of daddy's money that she can get off of her whenever she wants, she, like me, also really liked Jason, but that was another one of the million reasons why Rebecca hated her.


"Well that was a very uneventful lesson" i sighed to sam, when we walked out of the classroom door "yes apart from you talking to jason for once" sam reminded me, he apart from me Jason and Rebecca was the only other who knew that I liked Jason was Sam even Laura didn't know, I didn't try to be mean but I never really trusted Laura that much, I always liked being with boys more than girls, not  coz there fit or anything but just because I felt more safer and it was more me I guess. Suddenly I found myself sat in a heap on the floor with my books and pens everywhere, I slowly looked up to see a group of big hunky boys stood around me, laughing, "Harper" I heard Sam and i saw him shoving his way into the middle of the circle of boys, i felt really sorry for him, seeing him struggling to get though the boys,  i mean he looked like a twig compared to the others but that didnt stop him, "Harper are you alright?" Sam said, slightly breathless, "Harper eh" one of the boys said "well yes that's me" i said, nevously, "or cute name" one of the boys said, and they laughed and walked off, "erm hey are you alright" one of the boys said, he had hung back from the rest, "yes i guess" i sighed and started getting up, but then the boy held out his hand "do you want help" he said and i slowly reached out my hand and grabbed his, then i came flying up  because of his strengh, "sorry" he said, sheepishly, "sometimes i dont know my own strengh" "oh okay then" i said, breathless, he was gorgous, from his intense dark eyes, to his blue converse "harper you can let go now" i heard Sam shouting down my ear "w-w-what oh sorry" i said, going a deep shade of red "it's alright, anyway my name is Ryan" he said, pulling his hand from out of my grip "M-my name is Harper"  i stuttered, looking down at the floor, trying to hide my face "well im going then, see you around" he said and walked off "w-wait" I said "yes Harper" he said, trying to hide his annoyance "err thanks for helping me" I said finally "your welcome" he said, and walked off

"come on lover boy" one of his friends said from around the corner of the hall "shut up before I smack you jack" Ryan shouted back, smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2014 ⏰

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