Dan P.O.V
A huge pain in my lower back erupted as I felt a hard punch hit me straight in the chest.
"Worthless idiot"
"Why are you still here?"
"Stop eating you fato"
"How can someone be so disgustingly ugly?
Another kick to the stomach and I drop to the floor in a flood of Tears trying to defend myself but was too weak.
"So stupid you forgot how to stand?"
"Too many dolls names to remember?"
"Th-there figurines" I try to say but it barley makes it out.
"What was that?"
I jolt of pain headed through my elbow causing my wenis to graze.
"Sam what kind of an insult is that?"
The group started to argue letting me slip away but it wasn't long before my head smashed to the floor and I felt my neck in agony.
I wad sitting in bed with sweat dripping down my forehead and a concerned looking phil holding me tightly. "Sorry" I say before trying to break free of Phil's warm and cozy arms. This made him hug me tighter. "Dan. It's okay I'm here. It was just a dream. It's not real" he tried to assure me. What he didn't know was that my dream was a flashback to everyday of my old school. What phil didn't realise that I wasn't worth his comfort. I don't even deserve to be taking up space in this useless world. I felt my eyes shut as I fall back into a deep sleep.
I wake the second time to the smell of... Wait... Huh? Avocado on toast? How did? Who told him? Why was he making the only thing that I eat when I have toast? Did he know I've been skipping breakfast? Arn't avocados out of season? I have so many questions. Including why was phil wasting his time trying to make me feel better? Wait, was he? Did he just happen to be having avocados on toast? Where's Chris?
"Look who finally woke up" phil smiled bringing in two plates with avocado on toast. After handing me one he sat down next to me and watched me take a small bite of the toast. I drop it back onto the plate. "Did you know?" I ask a very confused phil. The cutie nodded shamefully. " how did you know?" I ask excitedly nibbling at my toast. " I ah I um I saw that you haven't been eating breakfast and I remembered that when we first met, you said you like avocado on toast... So I ah um well I ah thought I would see if you would eat it... I was worried about you dan"'phil admits placing an arm on my shoulder. I lean into his chest and smile. "Thanks, lion" Phil smiled "you remembered that I like lions?" I rolled my eyes happily "your not the only that listens"
The morning consists of me wrapped in Phil's arms reading my dumb law book. I didn't know why I liked phil so much, there was just something about him that drew me to him. Other then the fact that he was really hot and adorable, he's probably the nicest guy I've ever met. After a while I finished the chapter and realised it was 1pm. "Don't you have class in half an hour?" I ask Phil . Phil looks over at his phone and checks the time. With a sudden jolt he runs over to his drawer and starts getting ready. "Crap" phil sighed as he straightens his hair. "Sorry dan. I'll see you later" with that phil was out the door. I decided to go visit my friend Connor.
The door opened and a tired looking guy with blonde hair opened the door."hi?" The guy asks with a pissed off voice. "Sorry I came to see Connor his one of my friends, I'm dan" the guy nodded and extended a hand. "Tyler" the guy yawned. "Look Connors in class and I'm sleeping so I'll tell him to text you later. By the way I'm openly gay. Just thought I would tell you before I have to in an awkward Situation. You know in case o want some of your booty" Tyler announced. He looked me up and down "probably not" I raised an eyebrow then closed the door. Is anyone straight around here?
I head back to my dorm and grab my laptop off my bedside table. I have to write this fucking essay. I decide to just copy the text book and change a couple of words. Surely if I just change the order he won't notice... Once I'm done I dumb down the sentences so it seems like a dumbass like me would have written it. I feel my stomach rumble but don't bother to go get food after all if I was gonna come out to phil I shouldn't be fat too because then he can tease me more. Oh look it's the fat homosexual ass hole who I used to live with.
With You (a phanfiction)
Fanfiction*MAY BE TRIGGERING* Dan's been bullied his whole life and thought moving to a new place to start collage would change everything. He's roommate phil gives dan something to live for but not even phil can keep the memories flashing back and the negati...