The only part

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Some people are this. Some people arnt this. Some people are proud of being this. Some people are terrified of the concept. And some people just dont know what to think of this. I was one of these people, until i started high school.

There was a kid in my class who always sat in the corner. They were really quiet and seemed completly normal and innocent. Man was i wrong. This person turned out to be an amazingly brave person who opened up to me and kindly shared their story with me. In return, i supported them however i could. They taught me the meaning of 'transgender' and 'bi-sexual' and more words i had never known. This person also helped me to relize i am in fact pan-sexual and i am very proud of it now.

They also showed me a side of people i had thought was non-exisent. They showed me that it wasnt easy being the way they were wether it was trans or pan. This was really hard, and i do admit to crying a few times for their sake. But when things became hard, they would offer a hug even if they didnt enjoy it.

Recently, i have met more and more people going through the same things as my friend and I. I have enjoyed their company and loved talking bout the things we have in common. Also, my friend aquired a boyfriend, who is transgender as well. They are happily gay and i do fangirl a bit more than i should. Sorry.

Im so lucky to have met these people, they have taught me so much and have been patient with me while i process the infomation they have kindly passed on.

Thank you so very much

Love, your friend,

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