The Replacement

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Well, now where to start? I know! The one that started it all... Snow White. Now, you all know the story, a beautiful girl, more so than her Stepmother, the Evil Queen, the Queen gets jealous, Snow runs away, dwarves, apple, sleep, kiss of life, marriage, happy ever after, yada, yada, yada. What you don't know, however is what happened after the book is closed.

Snow and her Prince did marry, and had three wonderful, kind, and beautiful children. However, one of their children was different from the others. She was called Ava, and where her brother and sister had sleek black hair and the most beautiful cloudy green eyes you would ever see, Ava had a mass of curly hair that shone silver in the light, and eyes the color of burning embers. Moreover, while her siblings ran and played with other children, Ava preferred to be alone with a book. Now, yes the child looked and acted vastly different from her siblings, but the Queen and King loved her just the same.

Ava's siblings grew in age until they were adults. Her sister Elizabeth was married to the son of a King in the faraway land of Arcadia, and her brother went away to battle. Her siblings grew older both in appearance and wisdom, but Ava at age 27, looked 15. People feared this girl who did not seem to age, and they fabricated rumors and stories of witches and magic. They were afraid of things out of the ordinary, so they called for the death of the ageless princess.

The King and Queen could not bring themselves to execute their own daughter so they locked her away in a secret tavern far into the woods. She would remain there until it was safe enough for her to return. Sadly, before that day came, the King and Queen died of disease, and with them went the secret of the hidden princess.

Years passed, 237 years to be exact, and a boy wandered into town on a horse. He claimed to be lost and stopped to rest at a local inn. At this inn lived the oldest woman remaining in the town. The boy felt bad for the lonely woman, so he sat with her and they talked for hours. Finally the subject turned to her childhood. She told the boy of a story her mother whispered to her children late at night to get them to sleep. The story of a silver haired girl with glowing orange eyes, a girl who lived hidden deep within the dark forest. A girl who would never age.

The story fascinated the lost boy, who had never heard of a more beautiful girl in all his life. At that moment, he decided that he would find this hidden princess and save her from her loneliness. He gathered enough food and water for a month long journey and rode into the forest. It was a dark and foggy night, and the boy could hardly see to stay on the path. After an hour journey he saw a light in the distance. He heaved a heavy sigh of relief and made his way toward the cottage. He knocked sharply on the door, and it was opened by a girl, who couldn't have been more than 15. A girl with ringlets of silver hair, and eyes like glowing embers.

The boy stared, struck dumb by the girl's beauty. He was finally revived by the sound of a voice every bit as beautiful as her appearance. "Who are you?" The boy bowed low and proclaimed, "I am William of Aragog, I became lost on my travels and heard tell of a beautiful lost princess. When I heard of her, I had to see her with my own eyes."

The girl stared for a moment before answering, "I am who you seek, but I was never a princess." The boy was thoroughly confused. "Are you not the daughter of Snow White and her King?" The girl invited him to come in so she could explain. Inside the cabin was cozy and warm, only two rooms the first being a large sitting room with a fire in the hearth and a stove for cooking meals, the other a bedroom. William sat in one of the chairs, across from the strange girl. He sat quietly and patiently waiting for her story, finally she began.

"I was not born to the King and Queen, as many believe. I am merely a replacement for their daughter, Ava. The Queen gave birth to a girl with raven colored hair and grass green eyes. A girl who would grow up to see things that others can't. A girl with the sight. A day after the babe was born the fairies decided they needed her. They decided to replace her. In the dark of night on the third day they stole the girl away, and replaced her with me." At this Ava glanced up at the boy who was struck speechless by the story.

Finally the boy spoke, "So... You're a fairy?" The girl nodded, looking down as if she was ashamed.

The boy spoke again, "What is your name if not Ava?" The girl looked up at him, confused as he continued, smiling at her, "If I'm going to take you with me I need something to call you."

The girls face stretched into the most beautiful smile he had ever seen as she replied, "Luna."

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