Amber Brown

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Once he pulled back, she opened her eyes expecting to see hells fire but instead saw nothing but love and gentleness.

“What did you do that for?” asked Amber.

“Cause I wanted to” answered Antonio. Then they both shared a smile, and they started walking back home when suddenly Antonio stoped.

“What’s wrong?” asked Amber

“It’s my parents” he responded

“What about them”

“They’re here, RUN!” yelled Antonio

“Who cares?” she asked

“You dont understand. See my parents wouldnt like you.....”  before he could finish Amber interupted him very rudly.

“Why not?” she asked

“because your um well, uhhhh” he trailed off

“Tell me!” she demanded

“Human” he replied

“What! are you mental? what do you mean human?” she said histerically

“No. Im actually not even human. I am an Omega” he said very calmly

“Like from anidite mythology? Those things that posses every magical power both known and unknown to mankind, and that if in the wrong hands could destroy life as we know it?!?!!”

“Well glad im a thing to you” he responded

“Oh shut up, you know what I mean” she said

“Yeah I do, and yep pretty much” he said

“CRAP!!” she said very histericaly. After the conversation had ended they took of runing to the only place where an adult omega can nevar go. The Underworld. Since tequnially Omegas are beings of pure good they cant go to a place thats pure evil. The reason that child/pre-teen/teen omegas can go there is because well lets face it they are the spon of stan. Anyway though, once they reached the Underworld they stopped so that Amber could call her parents and tell them she’s okay.

“Are you done yet?” asked Antonio

“Oh shut up! It’s not easy thinking of a lie to tell your parents so you don’t giveaway your boyfriend and his magical past, you know?” she said tucking the phone into her breasts so her mother couldn’t hear what she had just said.

“Yeah whatever just Hurry Up!” he said

“Of course oh lord of the night” she said with a fussy bow

“Its the lord of the moon! Not the night. MOON! ok” he said angrily

“Whatever” she said continuing her phone call. What am I doing risking my life, my powers, and my family. And for what? thought Antonio when sudenly his dead uncles image appeared in his head and said

“You love her & dont you forget it” said his dead uncle Poseiden in his head

“I know but” he attempted to retort but was rudly cut off by his uncle.

“But Nothing! Look at me for example Im Poseiden god of the seas and im married to your aunt Lilian god of fire. Dont let your seperate you & Amber. You love her and you know you do.

“Hay im done so whats next?” asked Amber

“I dont know. What do you want to do?” he said. After all the comocion they rented a motel room & bought their plane tickets to the overworld in the morning.

“So if your parents are good then wont htey find us in the Overworld?” askd Amber Genuinly concerned what Antonios parents would do to her if they found them.

“Nope by the time the plain lands in the Underworl Russia and from there we walk it or fly it, and by the time we actually reach the Overworld ill be 18”

“What does that have to do with anything?” asked Amber

“Because then they cant stop me from doing what I want.” he said leaning in to kiss her.

Amber BrownWhere stories live. Discover now