Chapter One

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   Andrea stared out of the window, tapping her fingers anxiously. "Andrea, would you cut it out!" Her mother exclaimed. Andrea's fingers came to a stop and she sighed. She was supposed to be at her father's house two hours ago. After not seeing her father or her sister for nearly six months, she was very nervous.

Her mother had pretty much forbade her from seeing her father after the divorce. Her sister was sadly included in this rule as she had chosen to leave with Andrea's father, her parents had agreed to come to their own custody terms in the end. She had tried approaching her mother several times, asking about the divorce, and each time she was shooed away and it always left her mother in a bad mood.

The car slowly pulled up in front of a nice house and Andrea climbed out. Her mother followed and unlocked the car, removing Andrea's bags. Andrea went to the front of the car to grab her phone, but the door to the car was locked. She pulled on the door a few times and then turned to face her mother. Her mother faced the house with a strange, withdrawn look on her face. Andrea gave up on the door and walked to her mother.

"Mom, I'm honestly fine you don't have to come in if you don't want to," Andrea said. She knew her mother was hurt over the divorce. Her mother smiled and pulled Andrea in for one of her famous "bear hugs."

"How did I get the best daughter in the world?" Her mother asked with a kind smile on her face. At this, Andrea frowned and pulled away from her mother's hug.

"Daughters," Andrea corrected, "You haven't forgotten about Ashley, have you?" She asked accusingly.

"What? Of course not! Andrea, this situation is more complicated than I think you underst-" Andrea rolled her eyes and turned away from her mother. She hadn't been able to see her sister or her father for six months. Could her mother have forgotten so easily all the good times they've shared as a family? "I'll go unlock the car door now, we wouldn't want to keep Ash and your father waiting now would we?" Her mother proposed tentatively.

"Yeah, you're right, Mom. I think I'm ready to see them now," Andrea nervously said. Perhaps if she just kept saying it, maybe it would eventually become true.

Andrea's mother departed with a kiss on the cheek (that Andrea did not appreciate) and a tearful goodbye with promises to be back in two months to take her home. Andrea didn't quite know what to make of the fact that she now considered home away from her sister and her father. With a deep breath, Andrea gathered her suitcase and duffel bag, and walked up the walkway to the front door. Taking a closer look at the house Andrea could only come up with only one word for the house: expensive.

Andrea quickly knocked on the door three times before she could lose her resolve. One, two, three. A young, beautiful woman greeted her and appeared very confused when she saw her. A horribly phony smile crossed her face as the woman bent down and said "Are you lost, dear?" Andrea inwardly cringed at the strong scent of her perfume. She knew by the woman's crude tone that she actually wanted to find the fastest way to make her leave.

"I'm here to see my dad," Andrea replied.

"There must be some sort of misunderstanding, Richard only has one daughter." The potent woman confidently declared. Could her mother have dropped her off at the wrong house? It seemed unlikely. Who was this woman anyway?

"I'm sorry, but what exactly is your relation to my father anyway?" Andrea huffed angrily.

"Why you insolent little-"

"I think that is quite enough Catherine," A voice called from inside that Andrea knew belonged to only one person.



Okay, so it's been awhile since I updated..... sorry about that! But I'm back and plan to stick around! First of all I'd like to thank IffyPancake for the awesome covers, and also for being the best editor EVER. Like ever guys. I also plan to update this story with (hopefully) at least a chapter a week! Well  that's all for now so please don't forget to leave your thoughts below! I love to hear them! But I'm just getting used to writing so please no flames! Constructive criticism is appreciated though! Well anyways see you guys in the next update! 

P.S I will totally try to make the chapters longer! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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