Chapter 1 - Where am I?

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I appear in an unknown world. I look around to see an unfamiliar setting. This is it! My new world! I think to myself. I am super excited to begin! I start to break down a tree like every good minecrafter would do.

~Time Skip (do I really need to write about the first steps in minecraft? Well, no, I refuse to.)~

I emerge from the cave to see the bright sun shining. Finally! Daylight! I cheer. I wear my new diamond armour and am feeling set. I start to walk, leaving the cave behind, in search of a new home. As I walk, I keep running my plans for this world in my head, build an awesome house, build a farm to keep me fed, make cool stuff, make new friends... I stop when I see a figure in the distance. "Hello?" I call out. The person probably didn't want to see me and ran. I decided to chase him down. I charged in his direction, never losing sight of him. He ran for miles it seemed. Finally, I lost him. Panting, I lay down and relax against a tree. I look up and see the stars, Night already? I doze off with my diamond sword at my side.

The sunlight is creeping over the horizon as I awake. Another beautiful day to search the perfect place! I trudge along, still sore from the chase. Moments later, I enter a clearing that is home to a village. Wow! I think looking around, This is an amazing place for a village, on the waterfront, in between the trees. Perfect! I enter the village and am quickly greeted by a guard. "Hello, my name is Thar. What can I do for you?" he asks. "Ummm, hi! I'm (Y/N)! Nice to meet you! What village is this?" I ask. "That, I cannot answer. Our old lord just died and the name of oir village seemed to die with him. No one can remember it." he replies sadly. "Oh, well, if you don't mind, I am going to move into the village." I tell him. "Fine by me, just don't cause any trouble." He warns.
I pick a spacious house and get to work. Eventually, I will build a house of my own, but I guess this is it for now. My home.
2 weeks go by and I get to know people around the village. I have met Lynda the Librarian who never really talks to anyone unless it's an emergency, Denan the Farmer who is extremely generous but has very short term memory, Thar the Guard who is very friendly but refuses to show his face, and his guard in training Nix. Nix is a really nice guy and helps me do things like fix the village's crops and put a stop to the party in the well (anyone else remember that?). I also met Denan's twin sister, Samantha who is very sweet but never goes anywhere without some sort of animal. Everyone here is super nice to me.
One day, I am wandering around looking for a spot to build my new home. I roam the outskirts of the village when I come across an injured bird. It had different shades of blue on its wings and tail and had a white, slender body. Its feet was dark navy blue. I notice one of them were bent at a funny angle. Without hesitation, I carefully pick up the bird and hurry back to the village.
I burst into Lynda's home and yell, "Lynda! This bird is hurt! Can you help it?" I set it down on her table and she examines the bird's foot. "Uhhh, I don't know how to cure her. Even though I read a lot, nothing in my books talk about how to heal a bird's foot." Lynda says to me. "I heard that there is a very skilled healer in Mentally (I HAD TOO! SORRY! The actually name is Metelity) who could help her." "How do you know its a her?" I ask curiously. "Its beautifully colored, but a male would have more vibrant colors rather than not very bright blue." she explains. She pulls out a map from one of her bookcases. "This is a map showing all of Rau'u (pronounced Raoh-oo) and we are here. You want to get to Metelity which is here. On horseback you can get there. Ask Denan to loan you one." "Okay!" I say grabbing the bird. "Wait, use this to carry her on horseback." Lynda says handing me another saddle looking thing, except with a giant basket at the on top of it. It even came with a cover and cushion inside, plus, it was perfect for the bird! "Thanks Lynda!" I call sprinting to Denan's barn.
"Denan!" I yell out of breath, "I need a horse!" "Right!" He says appearing at the doorway. He rushes inside and I follow him in. He looks at a black horse and starts to stroke it. In horror, I watch as he goes to get it an apple. "Denan! What are you doing?!?!? This is an emergency and I need the horse now!" I scream frantically. "Oh yeah, I forgot." He says putting the apple in his pocket. He brings out the magnificent stallion and starts to saddle it. After he is done, he starts to climb on. "Denan? Remember, that horse is for me?" I say trying to be nice. "Right, sorry." He straps on the basket onto the horse and places the bird into the basket. I hoist myself up onto the horse, make sure that the straps are tight on the basket, and take off. "Bye (Y/N)!" He yells. I have no time to wave back. I race to Metelity, going as fast as I can. Metelity, here I come!

Woop! New book! Yay! :) I really hope you guys like the new series I am posting. This will be my other daily series so get ready for another chapter tomorrow! As always, stay tuned for more and hope you enjoyed reading!

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