Chapter One

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I wake up to the most annoying sound ever, an alarm clock. I opened my soft blue eyes and looked at it. I then quickly pressed the snooze button and asked it for five more minutes. Sadly, my mother had other plans. 

I've never really gotten along with my mother too well. When dad left her for a 26 year old girl last year, she's always been worried about something like my grades, who I hung out with and even stupid stuff, like if she remembered to turn off a light. It has always made me mad at her. I don't like worriers.  

She opened my squeaky door without even trying to be quiet and said, "Leah! Wake up, now because I know how long you take to get ready, and at this time you'll be late!" 

"Why? How come every morning I have to wake up at this unreasonable time!? Why can't real life be like the TV shows!? On Hannah freakin' Montana it's always light outside when she wakes up!" After I said that, I realized I sounded snotty, but don't hate me. I'm always like this in the morning. 

"Because Hannah Montana doesn't exist! That's why! Now get ready! Plus, I thought you stopped watching that two years ago." She finally left my room and I reluctantly got up from my very comfy bed.  

I opened my closet and pulled out a grey long sleeved Abercrombie shirt and I got some skinny jeans from my drawer. I quickly straightened my thin, shoulder-length dirty blond hair and went downstairs to eat breakfast. My mother had left microwavable bacon on the table before she left for work. I quickly ate it and went back upstairs to brush my teeth and get my bag. I ran back downstairs, put my puffy white winter coat on and started walking to school. 

It was beautiful outside. Snow was covering the ground and there was something about it that made me love it. Maybe was that it glistened at times, like now, when the sun was just starting to rise. Or maybe, it was the crunching sound it made when I walked through it in my comfy white boots. I just loved winter. 

I got to the school about 10 minutes before my first period class, English, started. I went to my locker, which was two down from my best friend, Elisa, and two up from my other best friend, Sophia. 

"Leah!" Elisa shouted at me, her grey eyes wide with excitement. 

"Hello, Elisa. What's the latest gossip?" I replied. Every time I saw her she always had something new to say about someone. 

"Oh my gosh, Leah! Guess what!?" Before I had time to answer she said, "There is a new kid!"  

New kids. They were very rare in our school. We lived in a small, boring town named Camden that no one ever moved into. We had crappy tap water that had salt it in and the schools never got rated very high, so no one ever moved in with a kid. 

"No way! Boy or girl?" 


"Is he cute?" 

"I don't know! I heard it from someone and they just said it was a guy."  

"Hey guys!" Sophia said. "Did you hear about the new kid?" 

Standing next to each other, Elisa and Sophia looked like twins. They both had jet black hair that spiked at the ends and gray eyes that sparkled whenever they smiled, but Sophia was about an inch taller than Elisa would stood at five foot one.  

"Yeah. Elisa just told me." 

"Awesome, right?" She glanced at the digital clock on the wall and said, "Well, two minutes until class. We should get going. See ya, Leah!" They waved and I turned around and went to English, sat down and waited. 

That's when I saw him. 

The new kid. 

His blond hair was styled messily to one side. Not that his messy hair mattered, though because his bright blue eyes hypotized you when you looked at them. Not to mention his nicely toned muscles which you could faintly see under his American Eagle shirt. 

I know that I'm only 14, but I think I'm in love.


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The next chapter will be up soon. xx

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